I believe it was put to the Gold owner collective to generate a proposal to GLB management a few seasons ago as to what Gold promotion process is fair, consistent, sustainable, and relatively simple (KISS). I surmise that the general feeling amoungst the S15 ownership group would be to set a system who's ultimate goals are to promote the most deserving and highest competitive teams and to reduce the risk of uncompetitive teams moving up from the Conference Champion field. I think it's in the best interest of the S15 PWG ownership collective to resolve the wishy washy system currently in place before another implosion of standards occurs.
A pee wee teams current and future success is defined and projected in part by a teams sustained durability and endurance season after season more so than a teams AI's and Builds on day 40 of any particular season due to each new season beginning with a clean slate. There needs to be value placed in a teams sustained success as the primary non-subjective criteria to define the promotion process.
I offer this as a basis for change to the current system. The group of Conference Champs would have first rights to take spots, when those teams are exhausted, the pool of playoff teams can be used for consideration.
**********Total of all time franchise regular season and playoff wins be used 100% to determine admittance to non-league conference champions into Pee Wee Gold. Because your admitting a franchise, which you're really doing in any circumstance, and not just a team on day 39 anyway, the subjectivity of comparison is thus eliminated. The reward of maintaining a high level team for a sustained period of time is thus garnered**************
ETA - Definition of a franchise up for discussion. Simplest and most logical definition would be same owner/same team/consecutive seasons owned. Should be a simple database query to write.
A pee wee teams current and future success is defined and projected in part by a teams sustained durability and endurance season after season more so than a teams AI's and Builds on day 40 of any particular season due to each new season beginning with a clean slate. There needs to be value placed in a teams sustained success as the primary non-subjective criteria to define the promotion process.
I offer this as a basis for change to the current system. The group of Conference Champs would have first rights to take spots, when those teams are exhausted, the pool of playoff teams can be used for consideration.
**********Total of all time franchise regular season and playoff wins be used 100% to determine admittance to non-league conference champions into Pee Wee Gold. Because your admitting a franchise, which you're really doing in any circumstance, and not just a team on day 39 anyway, the subjectivity of comparison is thus eliminated. The reward of maintaining a high level team for a sustained period of time is thus garnered**************
ETA - Definition of a franchise up for discussion. Simplest and most logical definition would be same owner/same team/consecutive seasons owned. Should be a simple database query to write.
Edited by middawg on May 19, 2010 10:50:38
Edited by middawg on May 19, 2010 09:56:31
Edited by middawg on May 19, 2010 09:54:23
Edited by middawg on May 19, 2010 09:46:17
Edited by middawg on May 19, 2010 09:40:18