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Forum > Position Talk > QB Club > Building my QB
Right now I have a QB in the D-Leagues, level 1. I re-rolled him enough to the point where I felt I had a good majority of my points not in kicking, punting, tackling etc.

I started off with 15 Strength, Vision, Stamina and Confidence, and with equipment on, 28 throwing. No SA's.

Since he IS just in the D-League and only snaps, not performance, leads to XP and leveling, I'm thinking about staying away from SA's and getting Throwing to 48 base first, and training all of the other attributes (strength, confidence etc.) on an alternating, day-to-day basis.

I hope next season to have a team and he be my starting QB, sound like a good plan?
That is pretty much what I did and it is working out nicely for me. Will effectively leave You with higher skill than a player off same level that spread it all out in the beginning.
If you don't care about performance, then yes, get Throwing to 48 ASAP so that after that, every level will be worth more as they are going into a 2 SP stat.

If you were going for performance, I'd say keep Throwing a good 10-15 above Vision, and Vision around 5 more than Strength (just to give you an idea of how important each is). You should always be training Confidence.
Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau
Right now I have a QB in the D-Leagues, level 1. I re-rolled him enough to the point where I felt I had a good majority of my points not in kicking, punting, tackling etc.

I started off with 15 Strength, Vision, Stamina and Confidence, and with equipment on, 28 throwing. No SA's.

Since he IS just in the D-League and only snaps, not performance, leads to XP and leveling, I'm thinking about staying away from SA's and getting Throwing to 48 base first, and training all of the other attributes (strength, confidence etc.) on an alternating, day-to-day basis.

I hope next season to have a team and he be my starting QB, sound like a good plan?

I'm taking a similar path as you. But I'm warming the bench on a mates team earning no exp apart from daily training which is always on intense. I'm going to do this for two seasons till I train str, vis, con all to 20 and sp, ag to 16. I'll have throwing at 48 by level 4 then reap the bonus points. As I figure it I'll get approx 5 extra skill points a level. I know this is a bit of a boring way to bring a player on but it's an experiment.

My guys stats are open right now, been training everything back and forth and Throwing already is in the 40's, I have +6 from Custom eq and +4 from Normal eq too.

Once throwing reaches the soft cap, I'm not going to spend any more skill points until the beginning of next season, including the points from boosting 3 levels at the end of this season.

That way I'll pretty much be able to build him however I want from there and maximize my daily training on the 4 stats I've been rotating training (Strength, Confidence, Stamina and Vision) and I can start training Agility start of season 4. Hoping to have my own team by then and this QB can lead the offense.
Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau
Once throwing reaches the soft cap, I'm not going to spend any more skill points until the beginning of next season, including the points from boosting 3 levels at the end of this season.
good call, no need to make raw throwing past 48 until like level 16, i think from the QBs that succeeded in my former league.

Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau
That way I'll pretty much be able to build him however I want from there and maximize my daily training on the 4 stats I've been rotating training (Strength, Confidence, Stamina and Vision)
so i've been doing only confidence and SPing vision, because i like to min/max my builds more. it sort of worked, as long as i threw short.
Yeah I think my priorities for those 4 are:


Not that I'm going to ignore Strength I just don't think its as important for my level right now.
Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau
My guys stats are open right now, been training everything back and forth and Throwing already is in the 40's, I have +6 from Custom eq and +4 from Normal eq too.

Once throwing reaches the soft cap, I'm not going to spend any more skill points until the beginning of next season, including the points from boosting 3 levels at the end of this season.

That way I'll pretty much be able to build him however I want from there and maximize my daily training on the 4 stats I've been rotating training (Strength, Confidence, Stamina and Vision) and I can start training Agility start of season 4. Hoping to have my own team by then and this QB can lead the offense.

Just a small tip, but don't train on intense. It makes it very hard to raise money for equipment upgrades.
Yeah for the time being I've just been training on all 3 actually, whatever will get me back to 100% energy.

I'm hoping to get a new team by the end of this season I have my own team to start him on, so I shouldn't have a problem giving myself the kinda contract I need.
Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau
Yeah I think my priorities for those 4 are:


Not that I'm going to ignore Strength I just don't think its as important for my level right now.
don't train stamina. i know it's GLB blasphemy, but your stamina only needs to be like 30 or 35. vision needs to be 50, throwing needs to be 50, and confidence/strength need to be 35 or more.
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau

Yeah I think my priorities for those 4 are:


Not that I'm going to ignore Strength I just don't think its as important for my level right now.
don't train stamina. i know it's GLB blasphemy, but your stamina only needs to be like 30 or 35. vision needs to be 50, throwing needs to be 50, and confidence/strength need to be 35 or more.

So far, my QB has everything everyone in this thread said a QB should have an yet he is still bad:

Strength: 39.04 Blocking: 7
Speed: 16.34 Tackling: 7
Agility: 16.07 Throwing: 62.45
Jumping: 14 Catching: 14
Stamina: 35.2 Carrying: 14
Vision: 52.2 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 40.54 Punting: 7


I don't know what to add my 5 points to because all of it seems good.
Originally posted by shaun123987
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla

Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau

Yeah I think my priorities for those 4 are:


Not that I'm going to ignore Strength I just don't think its as important for my level right now.
don't train stamina. i know it's GLB blasphemy, but your stamina only needs to be like 30 or 35. vision needs to be 50, throwing needs to be 50, and confidence/strength need to be 35 or more.

So far, my QB has everything everyone in this thread said a QB should have an yet he is still bad:

Strength: 39.04 Blocking: 7
Speed: 16.34 Tackling: 7
Agility: 16.07 Throwing: 62.45
Jumping: 14 Catching: 14
Stamina: 35.2 Carrying: 14
Vision: 52.2 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 40.54 Punting: 7


I don't know what to add my 5 points to because all of it seems good.

My stats are just about the same as yours also, and I still play bad. I guess there's only so much one Qb can do for a team.
Originally posted by Tac
Originally posted by shaun123987

Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla

Originally posted by Corey Gaudreau

Yeah I think my priorities for those 4 are:


Not that I'm going to ignore Strength I just don't think its as important for my level right now.
don't train stamina. i know it's GLB blasphemy, but your stamina only needs to be like 30 or 35. vision needs to be 50, throwing needs to be 50, and confidence/strength need to be 35 or more.

So far, my QB has everything everyone in this thread said a QB should have an yet he is still bad:

Strength: 39.04 Blocking: 7
Speed: 16.34 Tackling: 7
Agility: 16.07 Throwing: 62.45
Jumping: 14 Catching: 14
Stamina: 35.2 Carrying: 14
Vision: 52.2 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 40.54 Punting: 7


I don't know what to add my 5 points to because all of it seems good.

My stats are just about the same as yours also, and I still play bad. I guess there's only so much one Qb can do for a team.

Your guy is doing a lot better than mine. The team I'm on had level 11 WRs and we just recently signed and traded for more WRs, but this is hurting out chemistry.

It's just hard to believe that a QB with stats that everyone says looks good, does bad. It's incredibly hard for a QB to do good compared to every other position on GLB. It relies on the QBs attributes, game planning, o-line, and WRs. One of those goes wrong and the QB does bad. I've already thrown 11 INT as opposed to my total 15 INT last year which was the whole year and 11 is just so far.

Even if you go on our that my QB is on and match them up with any other team in that league, they seem that they would match up or dominate them. we have 45 passing, 39 overall, 45 blocking, 33 in receiving and both defenses and high kicking.
It looks like your QB is being hurried a lot more often this season. Maybe you should increase your agility and put a couple points into the "On The Run" SA.

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