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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Soft-Cap Focused Slowbuilding
Let me bring this up here as it relates to an OT. I would expect that my OT will be a LOT as he is a Run-Blocking OT. (He is brand new and at level 1, so I have not had time to break him yet).

Any way, as I understand Soft-Cap Focused Slowbuilding, which I understand is the most recommended method, it goes something like this:

1. Do not spend your Skill Points (SP) initially when you get them, save enough of them to the 1st Soft Cap (which is 49 points). If your OT is already 20 for STR, then you would save 49-20=29 points. Once you get 29 SP saved up, you would then apply 29 SP to STR. This process is know as 1cap'ing STR.

2. If someone says to 2cap STR, that would mean take it to the 2nd soft cap, which is 61 (there are decimal points in the real caps, but I am trying to make this easy to understand for me and the other newbies ), does that mean to apply my initial 29 SP to STR and THEN start saving SP and get 61-48= 13 growth x 2 = 26 SP. (note, the reason to multiple by 2 is that inside the 2cap range it takes 2 skill points to grow an attribute 1 point). So then once you get the 26 free points, you then apply those 26 skill points to STR which makes it grow to 61.

Is that what it means when someone says 2cap STR ... save enough Skill Points (SP) to get to 49 points (in my example, 29), then apply them. Then save enough SP to get 61 and once you get enough (in my example 26), apply those SP.


Does it means to save all the Skill Points (29+26=54 SP) ... and then apply the 54 SP to STR to take it to from 20 to 61?

That is the first question ... the exact definition of Soft-Cap focused building.


The next question is that you also get training points, and this GUIDE tells you a method for growing OT:

Looking at it, for my Run Blocking OT, I would follow the SyedAshrafulla: Run Blocker leg .. is this correct.

Based on that leg, it would seem that I need to save Training Points (TP) to get to at least 5 (so that I can Intense Train and not Normal Train while following this advise. To start out with, it recommends for Training for "Blocking/Strength", which would be the "Intense Training" in the first selector and "Sled Drills +Blocking +Strength" in the second selector.

This means to follow that guide, I am saving my TP to get to 5 TP and then I will use TP and do "Intense - Sled Drills". Every time I get to 5 TP, I train this way. At the same time, I am saving Skill Points, and when I have enough Skill Points to go to 1capSTR (69-Current_STR=69-20=49 SP), then I would apply all 49 of those SP to STR.

Then from 1capSTR to 2capSTR (61-49=13x2=26 SP) I am saving my SP for that and they recommend that I start training "Blocking/Agility". This would mean that I would also continue saving up my TP to get to 5 so I could intense train, and then I would spend my TP on "Intense - Pass Blocking Drills (+blocking +agility)". I would continue doing these "intense trainings" while I 2cap STR, 3cap STR, and then 1cap BLK. Then I would shift my intense training to "Agility/Vision" and I would then start on the 2cap of BLK for SP.

So, do I understand that plan correctly? Hopefully this helps some other newbies with the terminology that these guides seem to use without explaining them
I am also seeing some people posting to go farther than just the 3capSTR and 3CapBLK ... but instead to go to:

77 STR, then go to 77 BLK, then do the other things. (77 would be 5cap for each before moving on)

Is that really the recommended way to grow a L-OT ... and the whole time would you also use your TP to do "Intense Training" / "STR/TKL" or would you recommend another type of training points while only using SP to grow STR/BLK.
Edited by hughesjr on Apr 29, 2010 07:32:14
Here is a simple method for building an OT. I tend to go with the run blocker archetype since it fits my old method best.

Create your player on Day 41 (Or any day in the offseason)
Roll your player and take strength to 25 or 27 depending how his height and weight play into the roll.
Train strength to 29 with 85% to 99% trained by no later than level 2.
Cap strength at level 2 and start training blocking and agility
Continue to spend SP on strength until strength is 69 (Not 68). You should still have the 85% to 99% trained.
At this point you should be level 9 or 10. At the end of the season boost to level 13 or 14 (save SP) and keep training blocking/agility.
Cap blocking with 85% to 99% trained no later than level 15.
Continue to spend SP on blocking until it is 74 with 85% to 99% trained. This happens around level 25ish.
So at level 25 level gains should have strength and agility very close to each other. Training them both one or two last times should get them to about 75ish each.
I then take agility to 77 with 85% to 99% trained and then work my training combos to cap the remaining skills side by side.

So speed/stamina or vision/confidence I train to 41ish so it only costs 15 SP to cap both. It is kind of advanced but it works.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
Here is a simple method for building an OT. I tend to go with the run blocker archetype since it fits my old method best.

Create your player on Day 41 (Or any day in the offseason)
Roll your player and take strength to 25 or 27 depending how his height and weight play into the roll.
Train strength to 29 with 85% to 99% trained by no later than level 2.
Cap strength at level 2 and start training blocking and agility
Continue to spend SP on strength until strength is 69 (Not 68). You should still have the 85% to 99% trained.
At this point you should be level 9 or 10. At the end of the season boost to level 13 or 14 (save SP) and keep training blocking/agility.
Cap blocking with 85% to 99% trained no later than level 15.
Continue to spend SP on blocking until it is 74 with 85% to 99% trained. This happens around level 25ish.
So at level 25 level gains should have strength and agility very close to each other. Training them both one or two last times should get them to about 75ish each.
I then take agility to 77 with 85% to 99% trained and then work my training combos to cap the remaining skills side by side.

So speed/stamina or vision/confidence I train to 41ish so it only costs 15 SP to cap both. It is kind of advanced but it works.

probably the best method, though I continue to be obstinate and try capping agi first.
Originally posted by manx
probably the best method, though I continue to be obstinate and try capping agi first.

with the new training system this could work now.
So at level 25 level gains should have strength and agility very close to each other. Training them both one or two last times should get them to about 75ish each.

Should that say strength and Blocking at 75 each? I am not sure by reading that how your agility got so high
Originally posted by Machiabelly
So at level 25 level gains should have strength and agility very close to each other. Training them both one or two last times should get them to about 75ish each.

Should that say strength and Blocking at 75 each? I am not sure by reading that how your agility got so high

yes it should be strength and blocking. The third skill should be agility imo and I generally take it to 77.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
with the new training system this could work now.

it actually makes sense to do if you want your player to produce his entire career. DE's do speed and agi first, so it makes sense to do agi first to counteract
Agility is also a major now for those of us picking Pass Blocker archetype. Mostly Tackles, I presume.
Originally posted by RisingChaos
Agility is also a major now for those of us picking Pass Blocker archetype. Mostly Tackles, I presume.

it has always been a major for tackles
Has it? Maybe I was confused by the whole Speed being neither a major nor minor previously...

What is meant by "Late"?

If you are slow building is this a good guide?

Edited by dfoke on May 13, 2010 09:45:14
Edited by dfoke on May 12, 2010 16:09:17
Edited by dfoke on May 12, 2010 16:07:49
Originally posted by dfoke

What is meant by "Late"?

If you are slow building is this a good guide?

Looks like "late" here refers to the rounding out of your build. In the "non- late" versions, you become a more well rounded player quicker but in the long run will not be built better then a "late" build.

As far as the guide goes, I can't argue too much with the order if things. If you want to eventually be in the pro/wl, you'll need to go higher then the third cap though. Personally, my guys usually go to 78.

This whole order of building a player is very much built around the training pairs that Bort set up though. Come season 16, there will be MANY different ways to successfully build.

Edited by scorch2 on May 14, 2010 14:03:42
Originally posted by scorch2
Come season 16, there will be MANY different ways to successfully build.

and many different ways to screw it all up!

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