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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > how does it fell to be failures?
we as B2P was and always will be the best GLB team of all time. we are perfectly build and thoroughly analyzed team. and with the new changes no body in GLB history will be able to accomplish that. Ever!
You have a team that gutted with millions at the start with full team of SSB that won some trophy's.

If you guys are so great, restart now without SSB and without the advantage of not having millions with full stadium at the start for EQ funds. Then I would be impressed. Welcome to the big leagues, we are looking forward to beating you guys. I guarantee you will not go 16-0 and win Gold this season.

Edited by JackBeQuick on Apr 2, 2010 19:47:43
Edited by JackBeQuick on Apr 2, 2010 19:47:14
Edited by JackBeQuick on Apr 2, 2010 19:47:01
Originally posted by JackBeQuick
whaa whaa whine whaa whine waa waa whaa whaa whine whaa whine waa waa whaa whaa whine whaa whine waa waa whaa whaa whine whaa whine waa waa whaa whaa whine whaa whine waa waa whaa whaa whine whaa whine waa waa

thats actually what we are in the process of doing
we are actually not trying to

-MITH- ~Cult~
Originally posted by JackBeQuick
You have a team that gutted with millions at the start with full team of SSB that won some trophy's.

If you guys are so great, restart now without SSB and without the advantage of not having millions with full stadium at the start for EQ funds. Then I would be impressed. Welcome to the big leagues, we are looking forward to beating you guys. I guarantee you will not go 16-0 and win Gold this season.

That team has already been started

Speaking of "That Team" the one you own would get beat the fuck down by my offense. Worst thing anyone in this league could do is make me circle a game to get serious about REALLY. Oh and dont get Stern aka dpride started on actually helping me scout and plan some shit up to beat someone.

But really tho. That team you have there man is horrible so you shouldnt be guaranteeing anything unless by it you mean some other teams might beat us cause that one sure as fuck isnt.

You are right, my team is horrible. We suck, we did it the right way, no SSB, no gutting to have a fat bank, yet we beat some of the best 46 cap teams including a very good SSB team, and then beat the team that was supposed to be unbeatable. A team built specifically to win 46 cap Gold that had a effective level 10 higher than we did, but you are right, we are horrible.

I didn't come in hear bragging about how bad ass we are, you guys did. Go ahead, circle us, bring your A game, I'm not scared.

Originally posted by JackBeQuick

You are right, my team is horrible. We suck, we did it the right way, no SSB, no gutting to have a fat bank, yet we beat some of the best 46 cap teams including a very good SSB team, and then beat the team that was supposed to be unbeatable. A team built specifically to win 46 cap Gold that had a effective level 10 higher than we did, but you are right, we are horrible.

I didn't come in hear bragging about how bad ass we are, you guys did. Go ahead, circle us, bring your A game, I'm not scared.

so by the "right" way you mean the lazy way that requires 0 planning and 0 outside the box thinking?

I dunno, I say the more you plan and the more effort you put in the more you should be rewarded..
bravado = fail at life
Originally posted by MC_Hammer
bravado = fail at life

didn't the thread title say no retards post plz....

Ok it didn't but it should
-MITH- ~Cult~
Originally posted by JackBeQuick

You are right, my team is horrible. We suck, we did it the right way, no SSB, no gutting to have a fat bank, yet we beat some of the best 46 cap teams including a very good SSB team, and then beat the team that was supposed to be unbeatable. A team built specifically to win 46 cap Gold that had a effective level 10 higher than we did, but you are right, we are horrible.

I didn't come in hear bragging about how bad ass we are, you guys did. Go ahead, circle us, bring your A game, I'm not scared.

You don't have to be scared to get ur ass beat bro.
-MITH- ~Cult~
Originally posted by Sithas
didn't the thread title say no retards post plz....

Ok it didn't but it should

loL Yah mang we need to get Baller on teh same page with us.
Just more MCRG/Mad Cow wannabes, can't even come up with your own original insults.

Double fail for you.
Originally posted by Sithas
Originally posted by MC_Hammer

bravado = fail at life

didn't the thread title say no retards post plz....

Ok it didn't but it should

I did see that the thread title doesnt know the difference in fell and feel, would you like to amend the no retards comment or are you precluding yourself?
Edited by aridhol on Apr 3, 2010 12:09:41
Originally posted by aridhol
Originally posted by Sithas

Originally posted by MC_Hammer

bravado = fail at life

didn't the thread title say no retards post plz....

Ok it didn't but it should

I did see that the thread title doesnt know the difference in fell and feel, would you like to amend the no retards comment or are you precluding yourself?

I didn't make the thread dumbass. Looks like you are included.

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