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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > Will Archetypes make tagging too easy?
Considering that you can see another team's player stats, height, weight, plus now you can also their archetype, does this make tagging easier this season? Too easy?
I had thought of that as well. seems like to much info your opponents can see and use against you. then again, I'm paranoid about everything. lol
No difference, IMO.

You could always spot a rushing QB, power HB, or receiving HB/FB very easily anyway.

Tagging and coaching against any other position has a lot more to do with how they're used than their build.

If the guy runs inside, outside, right & doesn't matter a whole lot who his archetype is. If he's only ever in for passing, then any decent DC would have already been tagging him in season't past and will continue to do so.

I think it'll have little effect on gold, b/c if you tag an archetype w/o watching film to see how the player is used then you're an idiot and likely won't make it (or if you do, you won't be relevant) to gold.

In the lower levels I can see it actually hurting teams with a really lazy DC who tags based on archetypes rather than watching film.
Edited by PING72 on Mar 24, 2010 12:17:12
I don't think it's that black and white. I agree that you shouldn't rely on just the archetypes when tagging a speedback vs powerback, but with the archetypes, you can start to tag more positions. For example, you can look to see if there is a scatback in one or both of the RB spots, a receiving vs blocking TE, power vs speedy/possession WR, run vs pass blocking OL, etc.

Some teams might mix things up or purposely to confuse other teams. For example, some might use the opposite archetype, like make a speedback with the Powerback Archetype, but few will do that because most non-owner agents will want their new players to move on to the next level, and that mainly works for Pee-Wee.
Edited by Gerr on Mar 24, 2010 13:02:03
Edited by Gerr on Mar 24, 2010 12:58:52
Edited by Gerr on Mar 24, 2010 12:49:07
imo archetypes will effect GLB in two huge ways...

Auto gains

Other than that I don't see them mattering much.
Time Trial
I don't think it is that cut-and-dry. I think I made all of my HBs and FBs scat-back because I liked the H/W and majors... how I use them will vary from game to game tbh.
I agree with TT & Moogz...most people selected an archetype for the auto gains more than anything else. The actual archetype is pretty useless in most matters a heck of a lot more how they're used. For example, I'd guess that most of the FB's in gold are scatbacks...that doesn't mean all they can do is receive.

Originally posted by Gerr
For example, you can look to see if there is a scatback in one or both of the RB spots, a receiving vs blocking TE, power vs speedy/possession WR, run vs pass blocking OL, etc.

I still don't see your point. Unless you're largely incompetent, you would have known all of that information anyway. Are you saying that previously you didn't know if a tight end or WR was a blocker or receiver?
Archetypes makes the initial part of figuring out a player's role easier, which goes to my original point. However people are correct in that more research will need to be done to verify the player is used in the same role as their archetype.
Time Trial
Originally posted by PING72
I agree with TT & Moogz...most people selected an archetype for the auto gains more than anything else. The actual archetype is pretty useless in most matters a heck of a lot more how they're used. For example, I'd guess that most of the FB's in gold are scatbacks...that doesn't mean all they can do is receive.

Originally posted by Gerr

For example, you can look to see if there is a scatback in one or both of the RB spots, a receiving vs blocking TE, power vs speedy/possession WR, run vs pass blocking OL, etc.

I still don't see your point. Unless you're largely incompetent, you would have known all of that information anyway. Are you saying that previously you didn't know if a tight end or WR was a blocker or receiver?

Scouting page one has receiving and pancake stats. And if anything, a lot of Gold players will do a covert op on their build. ALGs aren't going to be that important in Pee Wee, nor are SA trees. If anything, looking at the archetype is only going to confuse you unless you look deeper.

I think all of my WRs are speedsters or combos, but they really aren't built that way.


****er. :-)
Edited by Time Trial on Mar 24, 2010 13:55:29
On another note on archetypes.
I am sure you still have to have the correct attributes met for the particular SA to fire. Is still holds true correct? I believe some of them are out of reach for a young PeeWee player. I have a list of what an attribute should be @ or a combination of attributes to make a particular SA to fire.

Do you get the reward of it to auto fire? Or does the attribute points still have to be met? (I guess a better way to ask the question)
Edited by Dtownokie on Mar 24, 2010 14:02:16
Originally posted by Dtownokie
On another note on archetypes.
I am sure you still have to have the correct attributes met for the particular SA to fire. Is still holds true correct? I believe some of them are out of reach for a young PeeWee player. I have a list of what an attribute should be @ or a combination of attributes to make a particular SA to fire.

Do you get the reward of it to auto fire? Or does the attribute points still have to be met? (I guess a better way to ask the question)

Look at LE's question at the last BORT/Catch22 Q&A.
Time Trial
Originally posted by Dtownokie
On another note on archetypes.
I am sure you still have to have the correct attributes met for the particular SA to fire. Is still holds true correct? I believe some of them are out of reach for a young PeeWee player. I have a list of what an attribute should be @ or a combination of attributes to make a particular SA to fire.

Do you get the reward of it to auto fire? Or does the attribute points still have to be met? (I guess a better way to ask the question)

So far Bort has denied that SAs require X to fire, but that some trigger more often with a higher attribute (spin works more often with higher agility).

He has said that:
- some are bonuses to stats that are flat (Route Run * 10 @ Pee Wee = Route Run * 10 @ WL)
- versus % boosts to attributes (Pee Wee < WL)
- versus roll modifiers (Break Block roll, Pancake roll, etc)
- versus reducers (Snarl, Etc at level 10 works > in Pee Wee than in WL due to confidence.)

Preseason Edit:

And I'm only sharing this information with you assholes because I know you are all too stupid to use it. :-)
Edited by Time Trial on Mar 24, 2010 14:25:58
Edited by Time Trial on Mar 24, 2010 14:11:04
Edited by Time Trial on Mar 24, 2010 14:10:52
Originally posted by PING72
Look at LE's question at the last BORT/Catch22 Q&A.

Yeah someone sent me that a week or so ago.
Hard to get definitive answers though....

I will go by the old school way until, I see something during a sim that shows different.

Pocket Presence (Confidence 25)
Tight Spiral (Throwing 40)
Pump Fake (Agility 20 + Vision 30 + Throwing 50)
Turn Shoulder (Agility 30)
Field General (Confidence 30)
On The Run (Agility 20)
Dump Pass (Agility 25 + Vision 30 + Throwing 40)
Quick Cut (Agility 30 + Speed 40)
Stiff Arm (Strength 30)
Demoralize (Confidence 40)

Quick Cut (Agility 30 + Speed 40)
Stiff Arm (Strength 40)
Head Fake (Agility 30 + Vision 20)
First Step (Agility 20)
Juke (Agility 40 + Vision 20)
Spin (Speed 50 + Agility 40)
Cover Up (Strength 30 + Carry 30)
Lower Shoulder (Strength 30)
Power Throwingu (Strength 40)
Dive 4 Yds (Strength 40 + Jumping 15)

Quick Cut (Agility 30 + Speed 40)
Cover Up (Strength 30 + Carry 30)
Power Throwingu (Strength 40)
Dive 4 Yds (Strength 40 + Jumping 15)
Hands (Block 20)
Lead Block (Block 20 + Strength 40)
Spot Blitz (Vision 20)
Strengthong Arm (Strength 40)
Pancake (Strength 50 + Block 40)
Sticky Hands (Catch 20)

Quick Cut (Agility 30 + Speed 40)
Head Fake (Agility 40 + Vision 20)
First Step (Agility 20)
Juke (Agility 40 + Vision 20)
Spin (Speed 50 + Agility 40)
Sticky Hands (Catch 20)
Route Run (Agility 20)
Jumping Catch (Jumping 20)
Diving Catch (Jump 20 + Catch 40)
1 Hand Catch (Jumping 20 + Agility 30 + Catch 50)

Quick Cut (Agility 30 + Speed 40)
Cover Up (Strength 30 + Carry 30)
Lower Shoulder (Strength 30)
Hands (Block 40)
Pancake (Strength 50 + Block 40)
Sticky Hands (Catch 20)
Route Run (Agility 20)
Run Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Pass Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Get Low (Strength 40)

Hands (Block 40)
Strong Arm (Strength 40)
Pancake (Strength 50 + Block 40)
Run Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Pass Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Get Low (Strength 40)
Shock Block (Strength 50)
Foundation (Strength 50)
Line General (Confidence 25)
Cut Block (Agility 30)

Hands (Block 40)
Pancake (Strength 50 + Block 40)
Run Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Pass Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Get Low (Strength 40)
Shock Block (Strength 50)
Foundation (Strength 50)
Cut Block (Agility 30)
Absorb Pain (Confidence 20)
Protect (Speed 20 + Agility 30 + Block 50)

Hands (Block 40)
Strong Arm (Strength 40)
Pancake (Strength 50 + Block 40)
Run Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Pass Block (Block 40 + Agility 20)
Get Low (Strength 40)
Shock Block (Strength 50)
Foundation (Strength 50)
Cut Block (Agility 30)
Absorb Pain (Confidence 20)

The Glare (Confidence 25)
Shed Block (Agility 30)
Swat Ball (Jumping 15)
Strong Base (Strength 40)
Big Sack (Confidence 30)
Wall (Strength 40)
Break Through (Strength 50)
Snarl (Confidence 25)
Big Hit (Tackle 40 + Strength 50)
D Line Gen (Confidence 25)

Shed Block (Agility 30)
Swat Ball (Jumping 15)
Strong Base (Strength 40)
Big Sack (Confidence 30)
Wall (Strength 40)
Diving Tackle (Jumping 15)
Monster Hit (Tackle 40 + Strength 40)
First Step (Agility 20)
Change Direction (Agility 25)
Tunnel Vision

The Glare (Confidence 25)
Shed Block (Agility 30)
Swat Ball (Jumping 20)
Big Sack (Confidence 30)
Snarl (Confidence 25)
Diving Tackle (Jumping 15)
Monster Hit (Tackle 40 + Strength 30)
Aura of Int (Confidence 25)
D General (Confidence 25)
Trash Talk (Confidence 25)

Swat Ball (Jumping 20)
First Step (Agility 20)
Change Direction (Agility 25)
Super Vision (Vision 25)
Smooth Operator (Tackle 40 + Confidence 30)
Shutdown Coverage (Speed 40 + Agility 30 + Jumping 25)
Return Specialist (Speed 40 + Agility 30 + Vision 20)
Blitz (Speed 40 + Agility 30)
Closing Speed (Speed 40 + Agility 30)
Sticky Hands (Catch 20)

Swat Ball (Jumping 20)
Big Hit (Tackle + 40 + Strength 30)
Diving Tackle (Jumping 15)
First Step (Agility 20)
Change Direction (Agility 25)
Super Vision (Vision 25)
Shutdown Coverage (Speed 40 + Agility 30 + Jumping 25)
Closing Speed (Speed 40 + Agility 30)
Wrap Up Tackle (Tackle 30)
Growl (Confidence 25)

Swat Ball (Jumping 20)
Big Hit (Tackle 40 + Strength 30)
Diving Tackle (Jumping 15)
Monster Hit (Tackle 40 + Strength 30)
Change Direction (Agility 25)
Super Vision (Vision 25)
Shutdown Coverage (Speed 40 + Agility 30 + Jumping 25)
Sticky Hands (Catch 20)
Wrap Up Tackle (Tackle 30)
Growl (Confidence 25)

Calm Nerves (Confidence 30)
Big Boot (Strength 25 + Kicking 40)
Automatic (Kicking 50 + Agility 25 + Confidence 30)

Calm Nerves (Confidence 30)
Big Boot (Strength 30 + Kicking 40)
Hang Time (Kicking 50 + Agility 25 + Confidence 25)
I've seen a lot of PW QB's pump fake that didn't meet those requirements.
Originally posted by PING72
I've seen a lot of PW QB's pump fake that didn't meet those requirements.

How can you tell the SA triggered?

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