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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > So, there's a USAORG Team in APL...
...but I haven't seen any pro-posting from sprovo...what's up? I miss you since the Hobos moved up to Canada Pro.
im somewhat new to this, whats up with the USAORG?
They're a farm system.
try again
Originally posted by Nicodareus
try again

Pretty sure I'm right. Been on them. Worst experience ever.
Originally posted by Voltron
Originally posted by Nicodareus

try again

Pretty sure I'm right. Been on them. Worst experience ever.

Which player of yours was on a USAORG team, and which team was that?
Originally posted by Voltron
They're a shameless collusion system.


Originally posted by Voltron
They're a farm system.

I don't think you know what "farm system" means.
Originally posted by bnoel
Originally posted by Voltron

They're a farm system.

I don't think you know what "farm system" means.

Shhh Of course you're going to defend them. You're on there team.
I never thought I'd say this but lay off. USAORG isn't that bad, they got their own thing but I can tell you that there is NO FARM TEAM and they ALL want to win.
Last edited Jun 16, 2008 21:09:12
Quick Question: Why is it called USAorg and they are part of other continents leagues, GO BACK TO THE USA AND SCREW IT UP, you guys are the reason I got out of the USA leagues, you guys make the game less fun for people who try play the game how it was intended to be played.

You guys just mask your collusion among many teams and try to take away the fun from other people, I can understand if you all wanted to join a conference together and see who was on top of the USAORG, but don't take away the fun from the people who want to play the game right
btw... oink
Originally posted by erbinator79
Quick Question: Why is it called USAorg and they are part of other continents leagues, GO BACK TO THE USA AND SCREW IT UP, you guys are the reason I got out of the USA leagues, you guys make the game less fun for people who try play the game how it was intended to be played.

You guys just mask your collusion among many teams and try to take away the fun from other people, I can understand if you all wanted to join a conference together and see who was on top of the USAORG, but don't take away the fun from the people who want to play the game right

Dude! I am on a USAORG team. I found them on the "Teams looking for players" thread on the main forum. I sent a PM to sprovo asking if I could join a team that I could grow my player and help in a winning program.

I was on a suck ass (and that is being nice) team in the USA BBB #6. Third string SS. sprovo was completely honest with me that I might not make it on a team with them, but depending on what other players were looking to join USAORG in the expansion of their organization, I just might be able to join.

I was not recruited, farmed, gutted, whatever you want to call it. I asked to join (not knowing anything about USAORG teams). This group of teams works together to create a knowledge base of how to play better, how to scout other teams, how to build your players to be the best in their positions. They don't steal players from other teams, they don't cheat. They are really good at the game and know how to help the players help themselves.

There are plenty of opportunities to help within the organization. I have been working on USAORG wide statistics. This way everyone can see how their players stack up against other USAORG players, without having to scroll through 8 different team leader boards (that is my job).

Being good doesn't make you cheaters (unless your name is Belichek).
Originally posted by Voltron

Shhh Of course you're going to defend them. You're on there team.

Please, point out the USAORG farm team(s).

Last edited Jun 18, 2008 00:55:59
Originally posted by erbinator79
Quick Question: Why is it called USAorg and they are part of other continents leagues, GO BACK TO THE USA AND SCREW IT UP, you guys are the reason I got out of the USA leagues, you guys make the game less fun for people who try play the game how it was intended to be played.

You guys just mask your collusion among many teams and try to take away the fun from other people, I can understand if you all wanted to join a conference together and see who was on top of the USAORG, but don't take away the fun from the people who want to play the game right

Could you please post a thread in the general forum about "how the game is intended to be played" so I can point out what an ass you are in a more public venue?

The game is "intended" to be competitive. Trying to win is exactly how the game is "intended to be played." USAORG plays entirely within the rules while trying to win. There can be no more pure way to play the game.

USAORG is a bunch of people who have forged friendships in this game, and discuss the game and how to win. You might be irritated because the results of those friendships and discussions is (a) an attractive organization that people want to be a part of; and (b) a group of players with greater knowledge of the game and how to maximize their competitive advantage through tactics and gameplanning.

If you feel that gives them a leg up on you in recruiting and strategy, you're probably right... but that doesn't give you any justification to slander those teams with your brand of crap. The fact that someone else does better than you doesn't mean they are cheating but might just mean they are better than you. That's right: in a competitive world there are winners and losers, and you seem to be a loser who runs away from the competition if it gets too tough. If you don't like losing, how about doing what everybody else does and try to find a way to win, instead of just complaining about the guys who are beating you? Or does leaving your one competitive league in search of lesser competition count as trying to win?

Well, I'm sorry if USAORG ruined that for you by expanding our circle of friends to include a team built entirely of people new to the organization to try their hands in Africa. They want to win, too... is that so unfair? They've done nothing illegal or unethical but apparently you can't stomach the taste of competition, so you attack the reputation of anyone who might stand in your way. Consider your attempted character assassination debunked. I recommend moving your efforts to scouting and gameplanning, which might actually provide useful returns.

Feel free to let us know when the great erbinator79 accomplishes anything noteworthy. In the meantime please keep your unjustified mudslinging to yourself.

PS: Bort's philosophy is linked below for anyone who'd like to see an objective opinion. The opinion of the game's creator is a useful reference when trying to determine the "intent" of the game. Unfortunately he doesn't discuss the philosophy of slander as a negative recruiting tacic, but I'm pretty confident I know where that stands on the ethics spectrum.

Originally posted by Bort
What do you think of the alliances forming like USAORG? Do you like the cooperation or do you think it will lead to gutting?

It's bound to happen, and at least they're out in the open about it. As long as they keep things on the up and up, we're cool with it.

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