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These are my attributes:
Physical Attributes
Strength: 63.8 (+8)
Speed: 15
Agility: 25.8
Jumping: 14
Stamina: 19
Vision: 16.8
Confidence: 17.8

Football Skills
Blocking: 24.8
Catching: 12
Tackling: 29
Throwing: 13
Carrying: 13
Kicking: 11
Punting: 11

Special Abilities
Pass Blocking Abilities
Pass Block: 1
Shock Block: 0
Foundation: 0
Absorb Pain: 0
Protector: 0

Run Blocking Abilities
Run Block: 1
Get Low: 1
Hands: 1
Cut Block: 0
Pancake: 0

Now plzz say me what should i improve on and on what ability i should spend my Training points.
It depends if you want him to play long term (like in the pros some day). If that is the case, keep pushing up str until it gets to 73, while training blocking and agility. After that, push blocking up to 73 while training agi/vision (or speed, ask again when you get to this point). After you are done getting blocking to 73, work on agility to 73. You should be in your 30's or 40's at that point, so hopefully your team will be able to help you out from then on!

If you want him to start working now (which means his build will not be as good later in his career), get str to 61, followed by blocking to 61, and then agi to 61.
Originally posted by kumarXXXX
These are my attributes:
Tackling: 29

wtf? Retire, immediately.
why say the reason
James Brawn
Originally posted by kumarXXXX
why say the reason

Haha is a reason really necessary?

Strangely enough OT's play offense. Tackling is required on Defense.

So you have wasted 19SP's on a skill you do not need

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