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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > They are probably going to mess up the Returner Archtype
Man Specialist
(CB) 5'8" - 6'3", 170-210 Lbs
(SS) 5'9" - 6'5", 195-230 Lbs
(FS) 5'8" - 6'4", 185-220 Lbs
Major Agility Jumping Speed Vision (+.5)
Minor Catching Confidence Stamina Tackling (+.25)
Bonus SA's (CB) - Shutdown Coverage
Bonus SA's (SS) - Change Direction
Bonus SA's (FS) - Shutdown Coverage
Penalty SA's (CB) - Closing Speed
Penalty SA's (SS) - Big Hit
Penalty SA's (FS) - Big Hit

Zone Specialist
(CB) 5'8" - 6'3", 170-210 Lbs
(SS) 5'9" - 6'5", 195-230 Lbs
(FS) 5'8" - 6'4", 185-220 Lbs
Major Agility Speed Tackling Vision (+.5)
Minor Catching Confidence Jumping Stamina (+.25)
Bonus SA's - Super Vision
Penalty SA's (CB) - Shutdown Coverage
Penalty SA's (SS) - Wrap Up Tackle
Penalty SA's (FS) - Shutdown Coverage

Hard Hitter
(CB) 5'10" - 6'3", 190-210 Lbs
(SS) 5'11" - 6'5", 205-230 Lbs
(FS) 5'10" - 6'4", 195-220 Lbs
Major Speed Strength Tackling Vision (+.5)
Minor Agility Confidence Jumping Stamina (+.25)
Bonus SA's (CB) - Closing Speed
Bonus SA's (SS) - Big Hit
Bonus SA's (FS) - Big Hit
Penalty SA's - Change Direction

Combo Secondary
(CB) 5'8" - 6'3", 170-210 Lbs
(SS) 5'9" - 6'5", 195-230 Lbs
(FS) 5'8" - 6'4", 185-220 Lbs
Major Agility Speed Strength Tackling (+.5)
Minor Confidence Jumping Stamina Vision (+.25)
Bonus SA's - None
Penalty SA's - None

Returner (only HB/WR/CB eligible)
(CB) 5'8" - 6'2", 170-210 Lbs
Major: Agility Carrying Speed Stamina Vision (+.4)
Minor: Confidence Jumping Strength (+.33)
Bonus SA's (CB) - Change Direction, Return Spec.
Penalty SA's (CB) - Super Vision, Shutdown Coverage

Instead of giving +.5 to Speed, Agi, and Vis, it's only +.4 because someone up top thinks that stamina is just as important as those other three to returners. Is anyone else confused by this?
I think it was so that the returner archetype wouldn't be too overpowered. A valid concern IMO.
My current returner doesn't meet the Height requirement =/
maybe the stamina stuff has something to do with the thought that the CB will have to play some defense and then because of that... stamina would be crucial? that is all i can think of and it doesn't make sense with the idea of a return SPECIALIST.
I'm trying to raise hell about it in the main archtypes thread. there's a few people getting riled up about it. it'd be good to get some more support in there.
I've joined in the fun. I see both sides. If you simply cut Stamina, then the returner archtype gets .67 to Speed/Agility/Vision - that's TOO powerful and will result in the returner archtype being used to create non-returners.

So you need SOMETHING to balance it out. I'd still cut Stamina, but there has to be something, otherwise elusive and even scat-backs would be better off using the HB returner archtype.

I still think the Gamebreaker SA is a good idea, but that's just my 2 cents.
Originally posted by DMeide
I've joined in the fun. I see both sides. If you simply cut Stamina, then the returner archtype gets .67 to Speed/Agility/Vision - that's TOO powerful and will result in the returner archtype being used to create non-returners.

So you need SOMETHING to balance it out. I'd still cut Stamina, but there has to be something, otherwise elusive and even scat-backs would be better off using the HB returner archtype.

I still think the Gamebreaker SA is a good idea, but that's just my 2 cents.

You don't cut simply make it a minor and then you get the same major/minor gains as a HB .50 - .25
Major: Agility Carrying Speed Vision (+.5)
Minor: Stamina Confidence Jumping Strength (+.25)
Originally posted by ChicagoTRS
Originally posted by DMeide

I've joined in the fun. I see both sides. If you simply cut Stamina, then the returner archtype gets .67 to Speed/Agility/Vision - that's TOO powerful and will result in the returner archtype being used to create non-returners.

So you need SOMETHING to balance it out. I'd still cut Stamina, but there has to be something, otherwise elusive and even scat-backs would be better off using the HB returner archtype.

I still think the Gamebreaker SA is a good idea, but that's just my 2 cents.

You don't cut simply make it a minor and then you get the same major/minor gains as a HB .50 - .25
Major: Agility Carrying Speed Vision (+.5)
Minor: Stamina Confidence Jumping Strength (+.25)

Yeah, that's what I meant. I just kind of presumed that it would be moved to minor if they do in fact try to change things. The important thing is the presence of the 4, and only the 4, major ALGs.
Just got word from the top that it is not changing...

So the returner arch-type is worthless...HB returners get another buff as they are able to shift to the elusive HB arch-type and get better gains in their majors...
Edited by ChicagoTRS on Mar 11, 2010 14:24:53
Edited by ChicagoTRS on Mar 11, 2010 14:24:35
Originally posted by ChicagoTRS
Just got word from the top that it is not changing...

So the returner arch-type is worthless...HB returners get another buff as they are able to shift to the elusive HB arch-type and get better gains in their majors...

Could they even give a reason why?
Originally posted by DMeide
Could they even give a reason why?

They don't want two archetypes being exactly the same seems like why they would do this.
Originally posted by lockdownneon
Originally posted by DMeide

Could they even give a reason why?

They don't want two archetypes being exactly the same seems like why they would do this.

Then move Stamina to minor and find another way to make returner archetypes not as good for being a normal RB. There are 1,000 ways I can think of. So annoying.

The best returners will be Elusive HB, unless the "bonus" to the SAs is absolutely huge, in which case it will be CB Returner Archetype. The HB Returner Archetype is pointless. Absolutely pointless.
Edited by DMeide on Mar 11, 2010 18:52:53
Hey, Im with yall. But honestly the last time bitching and moaning got me what I wanted. I was still crapping in my diapers.
Originally posted by DMeide
Could they even give a reason why?

I think it all comes down to them not wanting WRs to use the return man type for regular receivers...which everyone would do for the .5 major gains in speed...
Originally posted by ChicagoTRS
Originally posted by DMeide

Could they even give a reason why?

I think it all comes down to them not wanting WRs to use the return man type for regular receivers...which everyone would do for the .5 major gains in speed...

So retarded. There are so many ways to give the returner archetypes enough "goods" to be the best returners, while not making them better than the other options for regular offensive plays. And yet, they won't even consider it.

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