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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Due to Mentor Change we should receive a full VA reset this offseason
Um... no one will still end up getting swagger. The 15 VP reset is more than enough to get into football genius if you want it and don't already have it. Tbh players who value vision already have it...

Mentor change effects everyone equally. I can't think of 1 position which it completely fucks over without a full VA reset. Peeps and their va resets, i tell ya...
What about a partial reset? It's been done in the past with other VAs. You're allowed to reset 15 AND allowed to reset Mentor, but that's it. So if you don't have Mentor, you don't get the opportunity to do a full VA reset. Or if you only have 7 or 8 in it, you don't get 30 reset points. If you choose to keep Mentor, you can gladly do so and you don't have extra points that other people wouldn't have.

I'm down for the normal 15 reset points and a Mentor reset.
Catch has already said that Mentor will be able to be reset.

No asking for full VA resets. Its on the NGTH list right now. If Bort decides to do that, there will be an announcement.
Edited by tuba_samurai on Mar 9, 2010 17:38:04

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