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Originally posted by PP
In reality, I don't completely disagree with this at all, but here's the rub. GLB isn't reality. I'm all for making things as realistic as practical, so long as it doesn't destroy the fun, but we're dealing with SPs here.

1st, why would a QB invest a bunch of points into something that only works against zone coverage? Sure, you can counter that by saying DBs have to choose SAs based on man or zone coverage, but their DC can easily put a man CB in man all game long and a zone CB in zone.

Next, it's no more realistic for a zone CB to be PFed than a man CB. Either way, it only occurs when the CB is actively covering the WR. In GLB, and to a great extent in real FB, when a WR is traveling through a zone defender's "zone" that defender is covering in man like any man CB does, up until he releases the WR. He's not looking in the backfield any more or less than a CB playing pure man, while he's in his coverage zone. It's only when he's not actively covering a WR that his eyes are focused on the QBs more. So, why should one CB that's actively engaging in man coverage bite any more or less than the other?

Lastly, the way we're currently heading, the new version of PF would only work against zone and the new Look Off would only work against zone, just just the Catch Fake would work against man. In order to balance that out, you'd either have to over power Catch Fake and under power PF and Look Off or just kill zones and be done with it.

Originally posted by taz20075
There are a slew of situational VAs that only work in certain, limited, situations. Some SAs only work vs pass plays, some only work against run plays. Even the new proposed Elusive SA only works when there is only 1 defender within 10 yds. We're asked to make choices like this all the time.

that is where new offensive plays come into play. the OC should be able to call plays that exploit man coverages, forcing the Defense in to zones where his QB can excel
Curious on how Morale is drained during the course of a game.

When a player, such as the QB or an O-lineman, has a very high confidence, do they just become immune to most all morale sapping plays and abilities, or do they just not effect them as harshly as someone with low confidence?

Let's say I have a LBer with 11 in Aura of Intimidation, and my opponent has a QB with 84 Confidence. Does the QB have to pass a roll to see if it affects his morale (passing the roll means no drain) or will he just lose morale a very minimal rate compared to another QB with only 68 Confidence?

Also, all things being equal in terms of Stamina, if 2 WRs run the same streak route, would a WR with 140 Speed/50 Stamina have the same Energy drain as a WR with 80 Speed/50 Stamina? The drain should be the exact same shouldn't it? Just curious if higher speeds equal more Energy drain.
Originally posted by Mstr_October

Also, all things being equal in terms of Stamina, if 2 WRs run the same streak route, would a WR with 140 Speed/50 Stamina have the same Energy drain as a WR with 80 Speed/50 Stamina? The drain should be the exact same shouldn't it? Just curious if higher speeds equal more Energy drain.

Totally agree with you and PP on this one.

Running wind sprints tires out fat linemen just as much (if not more) than speedy DBs and WRs in real life, regardless of the fact that the speedy guys run them twice as fast.
Really depends. Sprints are equally tiring in many ways, but not everything is perfectly based on reality. Game Balance needs to be taken into account. There are players who will not buy any stamina at all, and play perfectly fine, because their 'role' and the current energy loss system allows that, and it shouldn't. Because it means that player has more SP's they can put elsewhere t exaggerate their build and over perform.

Needs to be a balancing factor.
this sucks as a soon to be college kid i will be deeply in the hole and bought some flex i use the flex i get to eventually boost my players since i cannot afford to do so for 11 or so seasons which is required to be competitive. My plan was to slowly build up flex and be able to boost players but now i wont be able to get that flex back man that stinks.

What do the faces on the replays signify?
Edited by Baustin on Mar 18, 2010 22:28:52
Edited by Baustin on Mar 18, 2010 22:27:15
Originally posted by Baustin
What do the faces on the replays signify?

I think we might be seeing some kind of morale effect SA going on.

EDIT: that might be Aura of Int working on offense instead of the defense as per the proposed change.
Edited by panachevitz on Mar 18, 2010 23:02:07
Lead Mod
Originally posted by panachevitz
Originally posted by Baustin

What do the faces on the replays signify?

I think we might be seeing some kind of morale effect SA going on.

EDIT: that might be Aura of Int working on offense instead of the defense as per the proposed change.

This is actually the first I've seen those, but I think those are Bort's thing showing they are demoralized (low morale).
Originally posted by Mat McBriar
This is actually the first I've seen those, but I think those are Bort's thing showing they are demoralized (low morale).

It'd be a better idea to put them in the sidebar next to the player names.
I like it at the start of play.

Have you seen these?

Or this one

Or this one
I love the replay updates

I think this should be used when a player gets a vision penalty through underdog.
And this one when the QB passes when hurried.

Originally posted by Pietasters
I like it at the start of play.
Or this one

3 LBs pump faked when the QB vision is on the TE for a short pass. Doesn't look right to me.

Where these live on the main server last night? Midway through watching the replay of my game my dots started doing this and I LOVED IT. Just roll it out now cause it was great.
Is there a place to request a test? Or are we not able to do this?
Sal Basss
So have there been zero tests on the test server since April 21?

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