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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > If you plan to drop down at all with your team, you are FAR better off starting back at level 4
You are far better off starting off with a level 4 team than taking any of the intermediate leveled teams and cash because you should easily exceed the offer given for those levels

you should go:

4 ----> 14/18 ----> 22/26 and after your 3rd season have a completed stadium as opposed to this from the announcements:

Lv 26 - Stadium: +Lower Home Left, +Lower Home Right, +Lower Away Left, +Lower Away Right, +Lower Endzone Left; Cash: 6,000,000; Fan Support: 30/10/0

so, people were planning to drop down to a level 14 thru level 46 level are going to be totally screwed over by this announcement because they will be so far behind the teams that started from scratch

we actually go from dropping down from being overpowered to being way underpowered - definitely missed the mark with this one
Actually, I think that is what the intention was.

First, most people will be dropping down to 4 or 14 already, since they usually drop down for brand new dots or dots who were in peewee. It's pretty rare to have a team ready to go at level 34 unless someone else is closing shop and you're taking those dots.

Second, the stadiums are undersized because you still need to build your stadium. Teams that are wise financial planners WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR LEVELS should be able to generate some advantage over expansion teams.
I'm fine with giving up part of my stadium to level the playing field if I request to stay in cap 14 next season with players who will be around level 10 at the end of the season. I think the amount taken is a little over the top, though.

If teams with new Season 15 players are going to go into cap 4, then cap 14 will be only Season 14 cap 4 and non-playoff cap 14 teams. I think it's safe to say that most of those teams will have more than $1.5 million and no extra sections.

As a non-boosting team that reset at the beginning of this season and won't finish in the bottom two, my choices are to request not to promote and get reset to a financial level below the average team in the league or go ahead and promote to cap 18 with level 10 players and contribute to the lack of competition in the cloud. Do I have that about right?

Again, I have no problem giving up some cash and stadium, I just think the amount taken tilts the playing field too far in the opposite direction.
Teams dropping to anywhere but 4 or 14 are likely trying to just avoid promotion, or pull together a team for SSB dots. I think penalizing cash/stadium for that is a good motivator to go ahead and take the promotion. Yes, there will be rare exceptions, but for the most part - why would, say, a AAA team decide to start over at Lvl 26? If they have dots sitting around ready to go, that aren't already on teams, that's probably SSB, and who cares if SSB is broken. If they have dots on teams, but are deciding to pull them together into a new team...well, why aren't they doing that on one of the teams they're currently on? Why do they need a new team to do that? Like I said, could happen, but unlikely.
What this will do is cause PeeWee to likely contain mostly one-and-done dots; dots for the future will probably just start at Cap4. That's okay, too, I think. PeeWee might contract, but at the growth of Cap4. It sure won't go away; it's far too popular.

As far as non-boosting teams, they're going to contribute to the lack of competition in the cloud. That's just what they do - the promotion tiers are based on boosting, so non-boosters are likely to go through cycles of competitiveness/uncompetitiveness. This is more likely to be addressed by some sort of sorting by effective level down the road rather than money issues.
Originally posted by NiborRis
Teams dropping to anywhere but 4 or 14 are likely trying to just avoid promotion, or pull together a team for SSB dots. I think penalizing cash/stadium for that is a good motivator to go ahead and take the promotion. Yes, there will be rare exceptions, but for the most part - why would, say, a AAA team decide to start over at Lvl 26? If they have dots sitting around ready to go, that aren't already on teams, that's probably SSB, and who cares if SSB is broken. If they have dots on teams, but are deciding to pull them together into a new team...well, why aren't they doing that on one of the teams they're currently on? Why do they need a new team to do that? Like I said, could happen, but unlikely.
What this will do is cause PeeWee to likely contain mostly one-and-done dots; dots for the future will probably just start at Cap4. That's okay, too, I think. PeeWee might contract, but at the growth of Cap4. It sure won't go away; it's far too popular.

As far as non-boosting teams, they're going to contribute to the lack of competition in the cloud. That's just what they do - the promotion tiers are based on boosting, so non-boosters are likely to go through cycles of competitiveness/uncompetitiveness. This is more likely to be addressed by some sort of sorting by effective level down the road rather than money issues.

It's great. I love it. It's LONG overdue. tbh should have happened in season 2 or 3 at latest.

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