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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > The Curtain is closing in Williamsport
Never thought I'd be making this announcement to Oceania but, I'm going to be selling WSR at the end of the season due to RL/Personal issues.

It's been extremely fun in the region and I will continue to support it. I do intend to keep a Solo player at the end of the season, my CB, which as of Day 20, I will be making an FA thread for

I'm happy to have made so many friends within the region and I am sure i'll miss it. But from here on out Jack Riley will only be a player/agent.

For those of you t hat are most concerned about whether we're gutting, disabling AI, etc. Do not be concerned. I won't be gutting or turning off the AI for the competitive games this season. I'm not going to let my last season in the league be one where I screwed over the competition.
I was in a similar situation and almost decided to pull the plug on Melbourne, so I know how you must feel. Good luck with things, especially in RL. If any of your teams players need a home for next season, I'm always looking for extra talent and will be looking forward to building a stronger team for next season.
Jack, you are a great owner and an asset to GLB! Hope everything turns out right for you.
With great displeasure I have to take this. I have to say that this is why and one of the major reasons that I don't like this game. You build relationships with your competitors to only see team after team, friend after friend disappear into the landscape. This is a sad day for Oceania, Jack, you are a class owner, and your writeups will be missed. I want you to know that you are more then welcome to come to the Staleys, not your player, but you, and be a GM and hopefully I can talk you into being our Beat Reporter or something. Man, you are great for the game and will be missed on many fronts! Best wishes, God Bless, and if I can ever help at all just let me know.

By the way, that is a formal job offer, we would love to have you join the Staleys in any manner. You take care and let the band play on! -Naka and the Staleys
It has been a pleasure reading your write ups this season.

Good luck!!!
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
With great displeasure I have to take this. I have to say that this is why and one of the major reasons that I don't like this game. You build relationships with your competitors to only see team after team, friend after friend disappear into the landscape. This is a sad day for Oceania, Jack, you are a class owner, and your writeups will be missed. I want you to know that you are more then welcome to come to the Staleys, not your player, but you, and be a GM and hopefully I can talk you into being our Beat Reporter or something. Man, you are great for the game and will be missed on many fronts! Best wishes, God Bless, and if I can ever help at all just let me know.

By the way, that is a formal job offer, we would love to have you join the Staleys in any manner. You take care and let the band play on! -Naka and the Staleys

Thank You for your kind words. While I am leaving Oceania as an owner, I am putting up an FA ad for my CB tomorrow and if any Oceania Owners are interested, I hope to see them present in that thread. I love this region, and if my player ends up staying in it, tbh I doubt the writeups will disappear. Furthermore, I will highly consider your job offer Naka.

Biggest reason I decided to give up Ownership is of how time consuming it is, and it takes a lot of time from my real life. I was the OC, CFO, Recruiter, Scout, (until thunder joined the team). It's a lot of energy and time as I'm sure any owner knows. But I'm not leaving the game completely and as stated in the O-Pro forum, I love this region and it will continue to have my full support.
While it's too bad you are leaving, it's more important to get RL worked out. Thank you for everything you do, and expect to get some interest from me regarding your CB!!!
Originally posted by Jack Riley
Thank You for your kind words. While I am leaving Oceania as an owner, I am putting up an FA ad for my CB tomorrow and if any Oceania Owners are interested, I hope to see them present in that thread. I love this region, and if my player ends up staying in it, tbh I doubt the writeups will disappear. Furthermore, I will highly consider your job offer Naka.

Biggest reason I decided to give up Ownership is of how time consuming it is, and it takes a lot of time from my real life. I was the OC, CFO, Recruiter, Scout, (until thunder joined the team). It's a lot of energy and time as I'm sure any owner knows. But I'm not leaving the game completely and as stated in the O-Pro forum, I love this region and it will continue to have my full support.

You are more the welcome to be apart of the Staleys, if you are ready, just let me know, and I will send you a PM soon. -Naka
For Those Interested (my solo S15 FA):
I actually remember when Jack first got his team. I set him up with his first qb, I think.

Damn, that was a long time ago. We've kept in touch and have even made some trades. He put in the time to learn the game, and has become well known around GLB.

Hate to see ya give up the team. Being an owner can be a severe pain, but to me, it often is more rewarding than watching my dots, even. Glad you're going to at least keep a player around and keep wandering the halls of GLB.
I don't know, have been thinking about it for many seasons as well, but I haven't got to that point yet, and the biggest reason why I ever thought about it is losing many friends / rivals that retire. It sucks! Jack will be missed, but he needs to take me up on our offer for him to join our team.

Your CB is not what I am aiming to get, we want Jack Riley to be apart of our team. No strings attached.
Originally posted by sbisch01
I actually remember when Jack first got his team. I set him up with his first qb, I think.

Damn, that was a long time ago. We've kept in touch and have even made some trades. He put in the time to learn the game, and has become well known around GLB.

Hate to see ya give up the team. Being an owner can be a severe pain, but to me, it often is more rewarding than watching my dots, even. Glad you're going to at least keep a player around and keep wandering the halls of GLB.

Ty Sb. I am even going to create a few new dots in the offseason with the new archetypes.

Btw Chief, I'll definitely take you up on that offer. My 'activity' however may not be full force until the off se season or beginning of next season, hence the recent absence of write-ups.
Originally posted by Jack Riley
Ty Sb. I am even going to create a few new dots in the offseason with the new archetypes.

Btw Chief, I'll definitely take you up on that offer. My 'activity' however may not be full force until the off se season or beginning of next season, hence the recent absence of write-ups.

np, and would love to have you there, how about this, hit me up when you are ready, and you will be in, and if you get a chance, check out the Staley Website, maybe one day you will get into one of the illustrious clubs that are on there......

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