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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Will there be an official rollout date for the upcoming Archetypes?
Time Trial
I build a brand new set of Pee Wees every season on Day 40. Just want to know if this will officially be launched in time for this or if an official start date will be announced?

A lot of people are anticipating this and need to know the EXACT date in order to plan for the next season.

I will likely build my players day 40 anyway because I don't want to lose out on training points and then just convert them all to the appropriate type, but how will this affect my STOPs? What type of player can I build and then convert to a STOP? Will they retain all of their stats (height, weight, strength, etc)? Because I would likely drop a few centers in there and convert them because they can deploy a ton of SPs out of the gate and have extreme builds (which will make for some tough inside blocking STOPS!)

Anyway, just a few concerns about the upcoming changes that I'd like to get sorted out ASAP before day 40 hits.

When they know, you will know.
Catch has said that the goal is to get things out before the beginning of this off-season, but that it will depend entirely upon how testing is going by that point. So really, no one can possibly know the "exact" date since it's conditional.
Time Trial
Originally posted by jdbolick
Catch has said that the goal is to get things out before the beginning of this off-season, but that it will depend entirely upon how testing is going by that point. So really, no one can possibly know the "exact" date since it's conditional.

That's the scary thing. If it isn't ready and they decide to rush it to make X date, then we are in for a bumpy season.

If they have figured out exactly what they want to do and how they want to do it, they need to give us an implementation date.

Also, there were several questions in there that weren't about the exact launch date.
No, they really don't. They need to do exactly what they are doing, which is getting in enough testing to feel comfortable about the settings. And if they don't get comfortable by Day 40 and still want to make some additional changes, then the archetypes can wait another season.
Time Trial
Originally posted by jdbolick
No, they really don't. They need to do exactly what they are doing, which is getting in enough testing to feel comfortable about the settings. And if they don't get comfortable by Day 40 and still want to make some additional changes, then the archetypes can wait another season.

But what I want is some sort of drop dead date about when we will hear an official announcement or when it will be pushed back for another season.

Because I know I'm sitting on a few pieces of % chance equipment that I'd rather redeem than upgrade and if it all of a sudden gets thrown out like coaches I don't want to waste a whole season where I've got a return specialist SA piece that I'd love to equip, but I'm afraid that selling my current AEQ at half price only to have the release come out the next day seems likely.
Originally posted by Time Trial
Originally posted by jdbolick

No, they really don't. They need to do exactly what they are doing, which is getting in enough testing to feel comfortable about the settings. And if they don't get comfortable by Day 40 and still want to make some additional changes, then the archetypes can wait another season.

But what I want is some sort of drop dead date about when we will hear an official announcement or when it will be pushed back for another season.

Because I know I'm sitting on a few pieces of % chance equipment that I'd rather redeem than upgrade and if it all of a sudden gets thrown out like coaches I don't want to waste a whole season where I've got a return specialist SA piece that I'd love to equip, but I'm afraid that selling my current AEQ at half price only to have the release come out the next day seems likely.

You do realize that even if you upgrade it, you get a full refund if you redeem it during the offseason.

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