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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > You know what would be cool? Gold Bowl
A week 8 (mid season) Gold Bowl

Probably no chance of it ever happening but it would be cool if we could vote on a pro bowl roster by electing each conference rosters to represent each other and have a real game being played.

Like Eastern teams and Western teams would elect
3 Qbs
5 HBs
3 Fbs
3 Tes
7 Wrs
3 Cs
5 Ots
5 Gs
5 DTs
5 DEs
9 LBs
7 CBs
3 SS
3 FS

1 Kicker
2 Punter

Even the coaching staff would be nominated to run the AIs.
Would be entertaining to say the least
If not week 8 , then possibly Day 39 before the championship game with the two final 4 teams being the Coaches for the game like in the NFL
That would be sweet. Great idea.
What I could do is have a seasonal Pro Gold Bowl Ballet that each team can post some players to represent each side. That would have to give the players position, name, Agents name, players link and stats to why they should be a selection.
OH-IO ~Cult~
How would we have a real game played, though?
Ghetto Witch Dr
Big Baller Hauler
Originally posted by LordEvil
A week 8 (mid season) \

Even the coaching staff would be nominated to run the AIs.

I love the idea, but I think that you nominate your staff, but have to run basic AI. The NFL Pro Bowl you only get to run like 6 plays on O and 6 on D and that is it. Basic plays. I think that it would be better if you just allowed Basic AI.
Originally posted by LordEvil
What I could do is have a seasonal Pro Gold Bowl Ballet that each team can post some players to represent each side. That would have to give the players position, name, Agents name, players link and stats to why they should be a selection.

Pro Gold Bowl Ballet? That would be interesting I nominate Dtwonokie to run it! Didn't he say he always wanted to wear a tutu?
This is a great idea ! +100000000
Sounds great LE

it's somthn that should be considered, but the coaches and the coordinator thing might not be such a good idea, unless there can be some amicable agreement worked out ...I wouldn't want some rival coach stealing my AIs and formations ...especially before the championship game ...maybe they could use casual league settings or somthn?!? ...also there would need to be some format that was used to select the players, that can't be exploited by teams that give their players more playing time than the average player, etc
Edited by ManOgwaR on Feb 21, 2010 09:42:52
I like the Idea of both teams using basic. I am not sure if its even possible on Borts end. He would have to have a a "commissioner" to make sure the right players who were selected are playing. I'm sure the two coaches would keep it as simple as possible so their own Ais do not get "copied" by other coaches. I don't think it would be too complicated for Bort to do as all he has to do is allow player Ids to participate in X game scheduled on Day 39. By Day 32 all players should be selected who is playing. It would give normal playing agents something to brag about, (playing in the Gold Pro Bowl)
Originally posted by LordEvil
I like the Idea of both teams using basic. I am not sure if its even possible on Borts end. He would have to have a a "commissioner" to make sure the right players who were selected are playing. I'm sure the two coaches would keep it as simple as possible so their own Ais do not get "copied" by other coaches. I don't think it would be too complicated for Bort to do as all he has to do is allow player Ids to participate in X game scheduled on Day 39. By Day 32 all players should be selected who is playing. It would give normal playing agents something to brag about, (playing in the Gold Pro Bowl)

I'm sure Bort "COULD" make it happen but it would require work on his side. So... I'm sure he has a fair about to do already.

I'd vote for the system just taking over with the basic AI instead of an actual coach.
OH-IO ~Cult~
Originally posted by Lone Star Mercs
I'm sure Bort "COULD" make it happen but it would require work on his side. So... I'm sure he has a fair about to do already.

I'd vote for the system just taking over with the basic AI instead of an actual coach.

Bort COULD fix the sim. Obviously, that's not happening any time soon.
Originally posted by OH-IO
Bort COULD fix the sim. Obviously, that's not happening any time soon.

Amen, brother
Originally posted by ManOgwaR
it's somthn that should be considered, but the coaches and the coordinator thing might not be such a good idea, unless there can be some amicable agreement worked out ...I wouldn't want some rival coach stealing my AIs and formations ...especially before the championship game ...maybe they could use casual league settings or somthn?!? ...also there would need to be some format that was used to select the players, that can't be exploited by teams that give their players more playing time than the average player, etc

As for this, maybe the coaches from last years championship game should be coaches. That way, they have nothing to lose really. Unless they are in the championship game again, then I'd say you take the CC runner-up from that conference. Same would apply if a team quits.
I like it.

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