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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Thought about moving up?
I know some of you enjoy being a whole lot better than your competition in a single A league but dont you think you should try to be real men and play with people your own levels? I am in a pro league that even some of these teams in this league would stomp. People like this is what makes this game a lot less enjoyable.
dude, most of the teams here have had their teams set since season 2, it's not like they signed onto a lower league, the highest lvl players are in the early 20's. Your on a team that looks like it rebuilt this season.
Been here since the start of season 2.
I understand if you have been here since season 2 but if I had a level 20 player I would want to move him up to a bigger league. Just cuz u have been here since season 2 doesnt change my point. The team can stay and refill positions when players move up. Yea the team I am on is rebuilding and I dont expect to win many even if the teams were more even. I jsut dont think its fair. Thats why I am glad they changed the XP rule. Its realy going to hurt these higher level players
Hmm. The only way I am moving up is to win the conference... which I DO want to do. And actually since this league has a good average of higher level players, I don't think we will be hurt by the "XP rule".
He obviously never saw the Crush's roster!!!

What does all this mean??? we should bench our starters for the -.500 teams? Fortaleza was moved here season 2 day 1 and had alot of competition...
Here's an Idea; RECRUIT!

I am speachless..

there are a lot of good teams here and only 2 move up

do you expect us to dispand because we are too good

i know mojave made no moves this offseason and we have been together for a while now
hell my team moved up from BBB for this season. But you want worry about us for long because we plan on winning and moving up
Good lord someone get him a tissue.

I've been on the Crew since I created, and....


Why the hell would I ask for a trade because I am getting close to 20?
Yeah. I like beng on the Flying elvis to much....... couldnt leave
Originally posted by woodson-heisman
I understand if you have been here since season 2 but if I had a level 20 player I would want to move him up to a bigger league. Just cuz u have been here since season 2 doesnt change my point. The team can stay and refill positions when players move up. Yea the team I am on is rebuilding and I dont expect to win many even if the teams were more even. I jsut dont think its fair. Thats why I am glad they changed the XP rule. Its realy going to hurt these higher level players

Why don't I go bark at the teams in your pro league for not signing higher level players??? Cause its none of my damn business how they run their teams!
Last edited Jun 12, 2008 12:18:50
They cant sign higher levels because they are all in low leagues like this one! Look I know people want to stay with their teams and I realize now that its not completely ur fault and I understand the reasoning behind everything. I know you cant help that only 2 teams move up and I know you like to stay with your teammates and friends. I guess I was just frusturated and needed to vent. I jsut think it would be more fair if there was a level cap in each league or something
Originally posted by woodson-heisman
They cant sign higher levels because they are all in low leagues like this one! Look I know people want to stay with their teams and I realize now that its not completely ur fault and I understand the reasoning behind everything. I know you cant help that only 2 teams move up and I know you like to stay with your teammates and friends. I guess I was just frusturated and needed to vent. I jsut think it would be more fair if there was a level cap in each league or something

Dude, don't worry... your lower lvl guys DO level faster than higher ones, ya know... especially w/ the new XP updates they rolled out. I understand venting after a loss.. I have done MY share! But you won't convince anyone here that we don't belong... a season does go surprisingly fast and you will be king next season if not this one w/ recruits.

Good game planning also can make up a couple of levels for sure... ask anyone.

Go win the next one...(Las Vegas Flyin' Elvis just moved up too...)
you guys will be in BBB6 next year so go vent to them
Originally posted by Mark_NH
Originally posted by woodson-heisman

They cant sign higher levels because they are all in low leagues like this one! Look I know people want to stay with their teams and I realize now that its not completely ur fault and I understand the reasoning behind everything. I know you cant help that only 2 teams move up and I know you like to stay with your teammates and friends. I guess I was just frusturated and needed to vent. I jsut think it would be more fair if there was a level cap in each league or something

Dude, don't worry... your lower lvl guys DO level faster than higher ones, ya know... especially w/ the new XP updates they rolled out. I understand venting after a loss.. I have done MY share! But you won't convince anyone here that we don't belong... a season does go surprisingly fast and you will be king next season if not this one w/ recruits.

Good game planning also can make up a couple of levels for sure... ask anyone.

Go win the next one...(Las Vegas Flyin' Elvis just moved up too...)

they have no chance against us

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