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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > Teams and Owners - Introduce yourself
Hey - I am Jeremy and I am the owner of the Toowoomba Terrapins.

I am not one of those guys that will come in a trash talk the league forums, UNTIL someone else does it and then loses to me. LOL

Anyway, it's great to be a part of this League, I have a familiarity with a bunch of these teams. So it will be great playing against you all!

Good Luck to everyone this season.
I heard you were a terrible owner and crappy oc.........................wait, I think that was actually said about me
Name is Jack Riley owner of the Williamsport Soul Reavers.

I don't mind stirring up rivalry on occasion but truth be told I'm generally a very modest and reserved individual. You'll also have my weekly game write-ups to look forward to that have been a mainstay in every oceania league i've been in. We're 2 seasons removed from Pro. Last year we rebuilt our team here in AA, the year before, we were in triple AAA, recovering from a 'ownership leave of absence' from the game. So WSR is finally on their way back to the competitive nature we used to have. I'm looking forward to the challenges the season holds. Good luck everyone.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
I heard you were a terrible owner and crappy oc.........................wait, I think that was actually said about me o_O

Yep, I just checked, that was definatly said about me.
Palmer_Garnett_95, you can go with palmer or PG for short. Owner of the Samoan Island Sea Sharks. My team made it to the conference finals in Uncapped last season. Then, I started moving a bunch of my players to other teams because one agent with about a third of my players has gone inactive and I have a lot of friends that needed my players. So, while we aren't a complete CPU team, I'm going to be filling a lot of holes with CPUs. If I could have moved all of my guys, I would have tried to drop down. This is probably my team's last season.
Hatemobster here, but people call me Hate. A7 Nation Army coming off a season where we made it to the conference championship game in 42 cap. Looking to have a playoff caliber season here in AA. I don't talk too much shit, but a few agents on my team do and I will back them if need be lol. Looking forward to making some friends/enemies here.
Originally posted by Jack Riley
Name is Jack Riley owner of the Williamsport Soul Reavers.

I don't mind stirring up rivalry on occasion but truth be told I'm generally a very modest and reserved individual. You'll also have my weekly game write-ups to look forward to that have been a mainstay in every oceania league i've been in. We're 2 seasons removed from Pro. Last year we rebuilt our team here in AA, the year before, we were in triple AAA, recovering from a 'ownership leave of absence' from the game. So WSR is finally on their way back to the competitive nature we used to have. I'm looking forward to the challenges the season holds. Good luck everyone.

Looking forward to your OPL return Jack

Originally posted by palmer_garnett_95
Palmer_Garnett_95, you can go with palmer or PG for short. Owner of the Samoan Island Sea Sharks. My team made it to the conference finals in Uncapped last season. Then, I started moving a bunch of my players to other teams because one agent with about a third of my players has gone inactive and I have a lot of friends that needed my players. So, while we aren't a complete CPU team, I'm going to be filling a lot of holes with CPUs. If I could have moved all of my guys, I would have tried to drop down. This is probably my team's last season.

Hey palmer, sad to hear you will likely fold your team.
I just got my own team again in Minors cap 14 (farm team for 1 or 2 seasons, then going competitive again) and will have a spot for any of your players that will fit the cap should you ever need a future home for them.
Originally posted by HATEMOBSTER
Hatemobster here, but people call me Hate. A7 Nation Army coming off a season where we made it to the conference championship game in 42 cap. Looking to have a playoff caliber season here in AA. I don't talk too much shit, but a few agents on my team do and I will back them if need be lol. Looking forward to making some friends/enemies here.

I know not of which you speak............... O_o
Thank you MC. Looking forward to getting back there.
GiantsFan23 here, owner of the Newark Nighthawks (may be New Zealand Nighthawks). Glad to be here, a little outleveled, but I like being the underdog. Look forward to a great season! I'm not very active in forums though.
Wow, there are some pretty good agents and owners in this league. I was part of WSR for a season. Naka is also here with Decatur. Should be a fun season. I am here with the Kansas City Heat with my lone representative, Mr. Sayerz!
CHANNELCAT here, owner of the Kansas City heat. This is the teams 1st season in AA. We have added some new players to our active roster to fill some holes & add some depth. Glad to finally be here
mac112004, owner of the Throwback Cowboys, not much of smack talker, moved up to AA this season, lookin forward to this season, good luck everyone. Let's Get Ready To Rumble!
Originally posted by Dante929
Wow, there are some pretty good agents and owners in this league. I was part of WSR for a season. Naka is also here with Decatur. Should be a fun season. I am here with the Kansas City Heat with my lone representative, Mr. Sayerz!

Good to see you again!
Chief Bootnaka - Owner of "THE" Decatur Staleys, proud owner of a great bunch of players that have been together, WOW, 10 season's now!

Just really glad to be back in the GREATEST LEAGUE IN GLB AGAIN!!!!!!

Very happy to be among the greatest owners in this game and glad to be back home! -Naka

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