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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Defensive Line > LEVEL 37 DE /// LEVEL 27 DT LOOKING FOR A TEAM

37 DE -

27 DT -

Most my guys including both these guys have been slowbuilt for at least 1-2 seasons, some over a period of 3 seasons.

My DE was let go off a team that was made CPU, they didn't give any of us notice so I wasn't even aware till I just came on.

All I really ask for is a good owner, that provides funds for EQ, (and keeps their word) unlike some I've had in the past that make promises and never keep them.
A decent enough wage to make training possible.
And the ability to want whats best for the team, no prejudice or favouritism over who starts, picking a player to start because he's 2 levels above someone else but has a worse build and worse stats is a bit daft.
Many a time I've been on a team and reduced to being played lower down in the line because I was a lower level, but due to good build up 8 our of 10 times I've come out of a season with better stats in nearly every game in a season than the starter, and it never gets noticed.

I don't point this out in greed, I point it out because whats best for the team is best for me, to be a success you need the team to be a success, I'm with whatever benefits the team.

I'm not a constant booster, I have been up untill last season or so, I boosted if not all then at least most of my guys.
Personal life has made it hard for me to be able to put money into boosting, but the odd season here or there I will try and boost.

PM me if you're interested in any of them

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