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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Kickers and Punters > L45, *87 Gold Bar*, Active Agent, Excellent AEQ, Booster, Multi-Trophy Kicker

Physical Attributes
Strength: 70.78 (+1)
Speed: 15.78
Agility: 38.78 (+1)
Jumping: 24.78
Stamina: 33
Vision: 72.78
Confidence: 87.23 (+3)

Football Skills
Blocking: 9
Catching: 8
Tackling: 8
Throwing: 15.78
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 123.23 (+23)
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Kicking Abilities
Calm Nerves: 9
Big Boot: 9
Automatic: 8

Veteran Abilities
Booming Kick: 8
Clutch: 15
On a Roll: 3

- H

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