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This is my first attempt to play this game and I've been noticing my guy's been performing well on the field, usually one of the best tacklers/pass defenders.

What can I do better and what should I focus on going forward?
Edited by mattCampy on Jan 10, 2010 09:31:16
Looks pretty good for a noob. I would bring agility up to 68 next, then move on to speed or vision. He's got good H/W for a nice coverage build.
Speed, agility, and vision all to at least the 2nd cap before even touching any other stat, or SA.
Thanks guys I appreciate it! I'll keep grinding out the 3 essentials till I get to 68.

Another question relating to my LB, right now I have all basic equipment that i've been upgrading. All pieces are now +4 speed. I've been casually looking at the AEQ out there and it seems like there's nothing out there that has better than that, am I missing something?
Not sure what you're asking. You can boost advanced equipment by using bonus tokens. Pick up a piece that gives you a plus to an SA, and increase the value of it by using bonus tokens, every 8 gets you a plus one to an attribute, and every 16 will increase the value of the SA. So 1 piece of AEQ boosted twice will cost you 16 bonus tokens, give you a +2 to a stat and a +2 to the SA.
This might be where I don't understand the game well enough, but what you're telling me is to drop a piece that is giving me +4 Speed so that I can equip an advanced piece that will give me +1 to a SA and eventually, over a period of 16 bonus tokens +2 and +2 to a SA.

Is this in the best interest of the long term career for my guy? Because in the short term it makes my guy worse.

Also, I'm not attacking the logic - you're probably right, I just don't understand.
Edited by mattCampy on Jan 13, 2010 08:09:59
You don't have to equip the AE right away, but usually the SA bonus (if it's a good one) is worth more than 1 point in an attribute. Even AE without an SA is better than regular equipment in the long run as long as you've been saving your bonus tokens.

Let's say you get lucky and get some equipment that is +2 agility and Monster Hit.

By level 48 you can have upgraded that 7 times. So you could have +9 agility on that equipment not to mention you get +1 to the SA every other upgrade so that would be +4 monster hit. That is worth 6 more SPs alone if you don't invest in monster hit at all. But if you do it becomes worth a lot more.

Basically that piece of EQ will have 1 more attribute point and 4 more SA points than a regular piece of equipment at that level.

The only other option you have is to cash in bonus tokens for SPs which is another strategy. With that strategy you have had to be doing it from the beginning and even then you'd probably eventually want to try to get one piece of AE fully upgraded because SPs aren't worth as much early on when it costs more to raise attributes and the auto gains are extremely small. Most people prefer to have 2 fully upgraded AEs (although I will say linebacker does have pretty bad auto gains).
Edited by Stonewall Paul on Jan 13, 2010 11:31:25
Short version:

AEQ upgrades just like regular does, it just costs 8 BTs when you upgrade it on top of the cash. In addition to the attribute of your choice, you also gain in the SA or %bonus. Very worth it.

Another way of approaching the SA is to only take it to 48, and then move onto another. You might even get 3 or 4 that way if you start early enough.
thanks guys this is really helpful info.

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