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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > New XP changes
Did you all see the announcement about the new XP changes? So if some douche tries to play with a team full of level 25s against us, their players will receive an XP penalty.

Any other details?

<go Lesbians>
It will be interesting to see the median level for the league.
I think the new rule is a bit extreme. It's a great idea to implement it on the expansion teams, but it shouldn't be for all other leagues. Seriously, how many level 25 players are out there? And honestly, if they show up in this league, I wouldn't have any problem playing against them. It will be that much sweeter when you beat them.
The rule wasn't put in for the rogue level 25 person who goes to join their friends team. It was implemented for the whole teams that move from a AAA division to an A or BBB division by trading their whole team or gutting their team and signing everyone there. Again Bort said there won't be any effect for a higher level person joining a team that is near the median level and has only a few way above the median (think of a mentor for the younger players).
I think that mentor thing is lame. Each team can only have 3 "mentors" before getting penalized? If Bort wants to punish those guys that moved the whole team from AAA to an expansion team, punish them, fine them, ban them, I don't care. But is it necessary to put this change just before the season about to start that will have an impact on a lot of people?

This rule change doesn't effect me or my team, we are on the low end of the stick anyway. But I do think it's unfair to a lot of people that went out and signed high level players in other non-expansion leagues or even expansion leagues.

I'm all for promoting competition. But the right way to promote competition is to bring the level of competition up, not bring the level of competition down. I know several owners from our BBB league went out and signed some high level players during the off season to improve their team. Now they are all concerned about these guys not getting the exp points.

Again, I understand what Bort is trying to do, but I think he really missed the point on this one. He's nuking a whole town in order to kill a few mice.
I agree Datong, but he may not have better ideas or options.
I think it will make the leagues fair and i look forward to the changes!
I think the main thing is that it's going to effect the people that are recruiting/moving lvl 17 players into Africa or gut a team to move to Africa(like this one: The thing is, I don't think it's going to effect as many people as you think. I think he's put enough exceptions in there that it should mainly effect those that are trying to cheat or PWN N00BS!!!

We'll see how it goes, then we can make judgments after we see how it works, rather than complain when we don't yet know how well it's going to work.
Also Banned
hate the new rule.
Of course you would 15. Luckily though, noone on your team should be affected, since you are the guys dragging down the median >_>
Bears Rule
so whats going to be the level for our league? 16?
I would guess somewhere in that range, but I could be wrong. It might end up being 14. I would say 16 though.
Bears Rule
scarlet thinks it will be around 10-12 range. All of our teams will be just fine and not really be impacted unless you are free agent hunting for a right now 20+ player from here on out...
Also Banned
Originally posted by Jericoholic
Of course you would 15. Luckily though, noone on your team should be affected, since you are the guys dragging down the median >_>

who the hell are you to talk shit when you dont know shit about me. Chris Jericho is a pussy
Easiest way to do this is for one person from each team to go through and order players by level and find the median for their team than post them in a thread and we can find a roundabout median for the league. Or if one person has the time to go through and do all of them in one big list but that would be some 1200 players if not more and that is a big list.

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