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Forum > Offensive Line > OL age 281+ > Peaking S4 Center (Lv62 pre-boost) LF Pro-WL Team
beep beep boop beep
Edited by RisingChaos on Dec 2, 2009 17:20:47
Edited by RisingChaos on Dec 1, 2009 21:51:15
Edited by RisingChaos on Dec 1, 2009 21:51:02
Edited by RisingChaos on Dec 1, 2009 13:28:55

Bump 4 U
It hasn't moved from the top of the list since I posted it! No surprise, offseason's nearly over...

As expected, though, a bunch of blind low-tier offers which get immediately deleted. Just received my first blind offer from a Pro team too... *delete*
Downhill PV
PM sent from Lefkada Seahawks
Originally posted by RisingChaos
It hasn't moved from the top of the list since I posted it! No surprise, offseason's nearly over...

As expected, though, a bunch of blind low-tier offers which get immediately deleted. Just received my first blind offer from a Pro team too... *delete*

Originally posted by RisingChaos
It hasn't moved from the top of the list since I posted it! No surprise, offseason's nearly over...

As expected, though, a bunch of blind low-tier offers which get immediately deleted. Just received my first blind offer from a Pro team too... *delete*

Hey let me guess... was this the team that sent the offer?
Originally posted by SteelersFanatic
Hey let me guess... was this the team that sent the offer?

Wasnt a blind offer, I dont need an average Dot, wit a diva attitude either... I signed Sulf's SS off that team that went CPU, and i saw a few players we could use....So offers were sent, I mostly wanted the Gs.

Edit: Have fun on your below .500 Pro teams
Edited by Mad Cow on Dec 1, 2009 16:57:25
Edited by Mad Cow on Dec 1, 2009 16:57:18
Edited by Mad Cow on Dec 1, 2009 16:56:00

Edit: I thought this was funny...

This was your Pro team's performance vs the Ballers on 10/14
This was my Pro team's performance vs the Ballers on 10/15

We both lost to a superior team in WL (which I'm a GM on as well and have access to their DAI btw) but I'd say CBID put up a much better fight and played them a lot closer... Feel free to send a scrimmage over to us this season as well, we back down from no-one.
Edited by SteelersFanatic on Dec 1, 2009 17:30:51
Edited by SteelersFanatic on Dec 1, 2009 17:29:41
Overuse of the rofl smiley scares me, stop that. (Thanks for editing in some text, that makes it look less scary. I did a little basic research there too and noticed the same thing. I found it amusing.)

If you didn't PM me and didn't post anywhere I could see stating that you were making me an offer, along with the offer being sent, then that constitutes a "blind offer." If you can't read or lack the common courtesy to contact me as requested, too bad. I actually almost reconsidered because Sulf was my teammate on "that team that went CPU" but sheesh, I'm glad I stuck to my guns because you sure are an ass. My loldot is quite above average. I'm touched you went out of your way to grief me after being snubbed for doing exactly what I told everyone what NOT to do.
Edited by RisingChaos on Dec 1, 2009 17:37:03


Edited by SteelersFanatic on Dec 1, 2009 18:10:40
Edited by SteelersFanatic on Dec 1, 2009 18:05:35
My bad, I get carried away sometimes lol
Originally posted by RisingChaos
Overuse of the rofl smiley scares me, stop that. (Thanks for editing in some text, that makes it look less scary. I did a little basic research there too and noticed the same thing. I found it amusing.)

If you didn't PM me and didn't post anywhere I could see stating that you were making me an offer, along with the offer being sent, then that constitutes a "blind offer." If you can't read or lack the common courtesy to contact me as requested, too bad. I actually almost reconsidered because Sulf was my teammate on "that team that went CPU" but sheesh, I'm glad I stuck to my guns because you sure are an ass. My loldot is quite above average. I'm touched you went out of your way to grief me after being snubbed for doing exactly what I told everyone what NOT to do.

Well you are correct, Im an ass, and I dont kiss ass, Feel free to sent a scrimm from whatever team you sign too. Your dot is good, But your demads are pretty stupid. No blind offers? what the hell makes you think everyone who sees a CPU team quickly searches the forums before sending an offer to Basically free agents. Sulf is a great guy, and im happy to have him back for another season. But im not going out of my way to kiss your ass, thanks but no thanks
You have two great organizations to choose from. Your guy would start for us, by the by.
Originally posted by sgsemu
You have two great organizations to choose from. Your guy would start for us, by the by.

if by great you mean sub par, then you are correct...
Originally posted by Mad Cow
if by great you mean sub par, then you are correct...

who are you?

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