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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Shock Block or Pancake AEQ?
I've got a piece of AEQ that I have upgraded already for Shock Block and another piece for +1 Pancake that is still un-upgraded. I was just wondering if Shock Block has any really value in pass blocking or would I be better off scraping it and focusing on the Pancake piece. My player is an OT that I am trying to make into good pass blocker.
Any thoughts?
pancake is extremely overrated. unless one has a +3 to STR or BLK and the other has nothing, keep shock block
If you are going for a Pass Blocking LT, then I'd say keep the Shock Block and also try to find a piece of Protect. If you're going for a Pass Blocking RT, then keep Shock Block and find a piece of Get Low.

But thats just my opinion.
Thanks for the advice therunner and adamD
Edited by on Dec 1, 2009 10:41:06

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