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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Zeta Conference Rankings
Here in preseason, some folks have had more success recruiting than others. With the next batch of new teams out, recruiting just got a lot more difficult.

So, here's my first stab at preseason power rankings based on the current rosters:


1. The Four Horsemen - As one of the few teams in the conference with a defense on par with their offense, the Horsemen are off to a great start with humans at every starter and primary backup position.

2. Melbourne Thorny Devils - Far and away the highest levelled team in the conference, Melbourne could claim the top spot with just a few recruiting wins.

3. Tonga Thunderbirds - With the only knock on one side of the ball being a big fall back from their star receiver to #2, Tonga is a team that should scare everyone. However, their defense isn't quite as dominant as the two teams higher on this list.


4. Dunedin Wolverines - A solid looking offense pairs potentially the top rushing attack in the conference with an above average passing threat. Add in a quality defense that specializes in run stuffing and you've got yourself a contender. They're held back in the rankings a bit as if they can't finish recruiting soon (6 starter spots still need humans) they'll get passed up.

5. Coney Island Warriors - The offense can hang with anybody, but the defensive front seven is going to have a hard time with any of the top 6 offenses in the conference.

6. El Fuego - Rounding out the top 6, El Fuego boasts a very solid looking offense, but it is vulnerable on the interior OL. The defense is fully populated with humans, and looks stout against the run, but relies on star power and may struggle with man-to-man coverage against the top teams.


7. Sydney Flames - Having the best depth in the conference means these guys will get more and more dangerous as the season progresses. This team has "dark horse" written all over them. A strong interior DL should make it tough on teams that want to run up the middle.

8. Tasmania Sand Gnats - They get the #8 spot largely on the strength of their offensive skill positions. Blocking may be a problem and the CPUs on defense (especially in the secondary) need to go early in the season if they want to fulfill their potential and make a playoff run.

9. Bikini Atoll Mushroom Clouds - With very little star power, the Shrooms are going to rely on fast levelling (and solid pass coverage) to get them to the playoffs. Unless "Maverick" uses the flash-pak, of course.

10. Redscape Diplomats - Similar to the Shrooms, but without all the Wing Commander references, Redscape has a full roster of humans starting at fairly low levels. They are going to need to rely on their strong interior OL to run the ball, as it's going to take many games for their level 1 HB to start making people miss.


11. Mauna Kea Chenabogs - A few stars surrounded by level 1s could make this a very inconsistent team unless the GM can find some more mid-level guys fast.

12. Uluru Rockies - Obviously still working on their roster, they have a good skeleton, they just have to fill it out.

13. NMI Ramekins - An interesting strategy of filling out offensive skill players could get the Ramekins some early wins against teams that are higher ranked. They have to do something about the 9 CPU starters on defense if they hope to stay competitive as the season progresses, though.


14. Chinese Bandits - With only 4 human players on the roster, they need to rely on the scheduling gods (or a great recruiter) to match 'em up early against teams like Sydney that have a full roster of low-level humans.

15. Cimmerian Barbarians - Like the Chinese Bandits, but two of their 4 human players are the punter and kicker.

16. Port Moresby Crocodiles - Not a single human player on the team ... maybe the owner is on vacation?
Very well done, big guy!
Love the last one: "hope you are hiding some players somewhere".

We could really make this a weekly thing!
well, it seems I won't have to do the rankings this year in AA

I'll save my powers for the AAA#2 rankings

Great job, like to see we aren't number one....maybe we can slide in under the radar

A couple more big recruits on the way to finalize the roster...lvl 12 guard coming in by Day 1 at the latest from the sounds of things...and a surprise at #2 WR

I'm not being a homer here but i think the shrooms will surprise, we have some quality players that will surprise alot of people, alot of their stats are better then some people a few lvls higher. built the right way example: our LT

new league, new players though i wouldnt put much stock into rankings till teams fill out and mature players.
Well, the rankings at this point obviously can't include things like gameplanning and build management and boosting strategies.

That being said, a lot of people put too much stock in builds - not that they're not critical, it's just that the top competition *probably* has pretty decent builds themselves.

Is it possible some team just did fire-and-forget recruiting based on levels without considering their builds? I suppose it is possible, but I doubt that's the rule. That tactic tends to be employed by desperate teams, not the guys who managed to fill their roster before the season starts.

And #9 is only one spot outside the playoffs, and there's a note on #8 that they need to recruit or they'll fall behind ... so the rankings imply the Shrooms are a playoff contender.
Don't you worry about the Ramekins, we'll climb those power rankings soon enough.

Seriously, though, I love this thread. Regular updates would be welcomed.
I was pleasantly surprised to see my team #1 on the list.
I feel #2, #3, and #4 all have quality teams at this point and there are many other teams still getting their squad together.

The Four Horsemen look forward to all the great match ups this season!
Good Luck to all and hope to see you in the playoffs!
Agreed, I'm happy to see the owners starting to build their clubs and look forward to a year of healthy competition.

I can assure you that our higher level guys are built well and that everyone on the team is working with the coordinators on building to the team from this point forward. And we have the game planners to make it a success At least I think so.

I agree, regular updates welcomed, happy to help if I can.

Sydney Flames has been changed to Christchurch Knightmares.....sorry for the identity crisis =)
Originally posted by Stubbs
Sydney Flames has been changed to Christchurch Knightmares.....sorry for the identity crisis =)

I guess my "dark horse" comment was a bit of a prediction, then.
nice job dude. interesting read.
It'll be intersting to see them change over the season - hopefully you have the time to keep it updated Sarg01 - great thread!
Nice read it will be nice to reflect on this at the end of the season. I reckon you are about 66% right.
As of noon today, here are the updated rankings! I'll have more narrative once there's more to talk about than just the roster.

1 79.5 Melbourne - Truly scary roster.
2 63.2 Tonga - Still have a clear roster advantage over everyone but Melbourne.


3 50.1 Dunedin - Ready to rock with their run game.
4 49.0 NMI - Did some serious recruiting!
5 46.4 Horsemen - #3 defensive roster in the conference.
6 45.4 Fuego - #2 passing attack.
7 44.6 Coney - All-around solid offense.


8 31.4 Redscape - Can their defensive advantage get them to the playoffs?
9 31.0 Bikini - The offense should work in this no-defense conference, but can they stop the run?
10 29.2 Tasmania - The offense should work in this no-defense conference, but can they stop the pass?
11 29.0 Christchurch - Got hurt by my new formula, I'm still struggling to account for depth
12 26.1 Chinese - Made some strides, especially in the passing game.
13 23.9 Uluru - Balanced offense, but might not have the levels to keep up.
14 20.6 Mauna - It's all about the passing attack with these guys.


15 15.9 Cimmeria - Well behind in recruiting
16 13.5 FPQA - Well behind in recruiting
Last edited Jun 11, 2008 13:32:26
thx for the update weren't supposed to put us #1 yet we wanted to be in the sneaky #2 spot

Needless to say, week 12 is going to be interesting

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