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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Level 27 Rolb, good start?
He's only 6'0" 220 cuz I wasn't up to speed on height weight when I rolled, but:

Physical Attributes
Strength: 31.12
Speed: 87.13 (+13)
Agility: 80.12 (+10)
Jumping: 16.13
Stamina: 19.12
Vision: 50.12
Confidence: 25.12

Football Skills
Blocking: 16.13
Catching: 16.13
Tackling: 26.12
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 8
Punting: 9

I'm thinking I'll got 60 or 68 with vision before hiting STR, CON, and TKL, I use him pretty generically at the moment, but I think I'm aiming his build towards blitz/coverage.

I've been puting his VAs into clutch recently because none of the VAs really look that great to me right now, I like Zone sp, but I'm not using a lot of zones at the moment due to mostly only 1 capped vision on most of the defenders I have. (I DC his team, have never worked with higher level players and don't feel like I've got a good handle on zones yet.)

Also, aside from shed blocks, what SAs should I look at getting AEQ in? (he'll be in his 50s by the time I start putting SP in the SAs)
Good start yes. I wouldn't worry about SAs until you see what the first couple of good AEQ pieces you get are, and your team situation is settled permanently. I'd third cap vision.
Is clutch a stupid place to be putting my VAs? I can't get Ball hawk yet.
you can always change it at the beginning of a season

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