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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Pancake C am I doing?

Currently training speed/stamina and taking agility to 68, then will roll it over (at 98%).


Agility 68
Speed 48 (switch to train con/vis)

SAs (I don't really like the idea of spending SPs on SAs this early in the build (level 38) but this will be when I am boosting at the beginning of season 14 and vis/conf will not be at the level where I want to cap them yet, only at 24ish each, so...)

Run Tree:
5-10-0-0-0 (will return to this after I have vis/conf where I want them)

Vision 48 (train con/stam)
conf 68 (train speed /stamina)
Agility 74
speed 65
vision 60

Return to SA Tree:

*now you might say, I thought this was a pancake build, well I have 2 pancake AEQ, so tree will be at 11-11-1-1-11.

Final Build will be about (level 69):

Strength: 111.36 (153.36 with all EQ in Strength)
Blocking: 98.36
Agility: 74.73
Speed: 65
Confidence 69.73
Vision: 60.73
Stamina: 48.73

Everything else: 8

SA Trees:

What do you think? Do I need to go some Line General? I'm hoping the other C on the team will have LG to pump the rest of the line when he is in, this is just going for a pure Pancake smash build, to see what he can do.
you cant have over 100 natural strength and yes you need LG which would be impossible to do with your pancake AE
Originally posted by kcdizz
you cant have over 100 natural strength and yes you need LG which would be impossible to do with your pancake AE

Yes you can have over 100 Natural in an attribute, and you don't NEED Line General if the other C has high enough in it + maxed out Natural Leader...
Jack Del Rio
IMO: less blocking (98.36 -> 96.36), less Run Block SA (11 -> 6), more agility (74.73 -> 79.73 or 80.73).
VAs: Workout warrior, Great Blocker, Showboat Blocker, Quick.
Edited by Jack Del Rio on Nov 8, 2009 17:56:07
Originally posted by Jack Del Rio
IMO: less blocking (98.36 -> 96.36), less Run Block SA (11 -> 6), more agility (74.73 -> 79.73 or 80.73).
VAs: Workout warrior, Great Blocker, Showboat Blocker, Quick.

Well, i only took blocking to the 4th cap (74) and this is what my natural gains will put me at by level 69, so no choice on that one. interesting thought about taking agility higher though. The VAs will probably look something like that ya.
My C in the making is doing 77 str / 73 blk / 77 agi in that order. Should be similar except I'm going to do 21 pancake instead of 11. Probably an awful idea, but whatever - that's what the retire button is for
Originally posted by Octowned
My C in the making is doing 77 str / 73 blk / 77 agi in that order. Should be similar except I'm going to do 21 pancake instead of 11. Probably an awful idea, but whatever - that's what the retire button is for

I was thinking of trying that too, something like:


The biggest problem I see with this is not getting some of the other base stats high enough, this is an extra 36 SPs which i want to use on confidence and vision. If I take agility to 74 instead of 68 right away, i guess I could be training vis/conficence earlier, which would allow me to get those where i want before assigning SAs. Anyway, I have over a season to make that decision.

77/73/77 doesn't leave a lot of room for other stats, especially if pushing pancake to 21. What will the final build look like?
Edited by ColeWestgate on Nov 8, 2009 21:56:51
I'm not going for an overall good build, I already have one with my current C . So I'm hardly going to put SP in vision confidence speed etc. Total experimental build.

Normally I wouldn't recommend a single point in pancake to a real C. The SA is bad.
Jack Del Rio
Also Cole, you'll probably want to end up playing most of your C's career at G, not C. Cs see a lot less action, often times they have to run a certain distance left or right to even find a defensive player. LGs and RGs get a lot more opportunities to pancake. So no worries that you're not going to have Line General up, IMO. Good luck!
That is very, very similar to my build.

Here is my center at level 69:

STR: 150 (-3.5)
BLK: 97 (-1.5)
AGI: 78.66 (+4)
SPD: 69 (+4)
CON: 69.66 (=)
VIS: 65.66 (+5)
STAM: 50.66 (+2)


VA's: Natural Leader, Showboat Blocker, Workout Warrior, etc

The extra +3.5 str would be nice for sure.
Edited by immagonnawin on Nov 10, 2009 22:21:45
Originally posted by Jack Del Rio
Also Cole, you'll probably want to end up playing most of your C's career at G, not C. Cs see a lot less action, often times they have to run a certain distance left or right to even find a defensive player. LGs and RGs get a lot more opportunities to pancake. So no worries that you're not going to have Line General up, IMO. Good luck!

LOL! You do realize that the leader in Pancakes in the World League (Zeta Conference) is a Center? They see plenty of action.
If you want to be a pancake machine you need a good HB combo and a nice rushing strategy or your player wont get many pancakes i have saw lots of Cs with high strenght and low pancakes because their team lack goods RBs...Long runs=Lots of pancakes open to grab.
Jack Del Rio
Originally posted by PackMan97
LOL! You do realize that the leader in Pancakes in the World League (Zeta Conference) is a Center? They see plenty of action.

It's a Center playing in-position. I'm suggesting that you, yes even you, would have more pancakes playing at Guard. That's my point, don't miss it.
hmm...maybe I'll ask if we'll do that in a game?
Originally posted by Jack Del Rio
Originally posted by PackMan97

LOL! You do realize that the leader in Pancakes in the World League (Zeta Conference) is a Center? They see plenty of action.

It's a Center playing in-position. I'm suggesting that you, yes even you, would have more pancakes playing at Guard. That's my point, don't miss it.

Maybe he made a center because he wanted to play at center position?

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