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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Everyone watch out for the Orland Dogg Pound Owner. Two Words- Low Class
If he ever contacts you about coming on board or being part of his "Team" just know he will only use you until he can find something "better".

I was duped into signing with this guy with a brand new team right before season 2. Promises of keeping the team together, having this great bond, chemistry, etc. Everyone bought his lies hook line and sinker.

I know this may come off as a whiney rant, but know that you just shouldnt treat people this way.

My center anchored a great line last year for the Dogg Pound. A season that saw us win the Eastern Conference and make it to the finals in the playoffs. Saw us get promoted to the USA A#1. Awesome. I lead all centers in the entire league in pancakes. I was 4th overall in pancakes behind 3 guys who were 2 or 3 levels ahead of me. I lead the team in pancakes and was a great teamate. Active on the boards. Well respected by the team.

So I come home last night and check the boards, nothing. I just happen to look at the depth charts and I see some level 20 center ahead of me.

I check my PMs... no word. No... "Hey man sorry but youre being replaced."

SO I PM the guy, no response. I asked a simple question on the boards asking what was going on and if there was no loyalty left on this team.

Side story. Alot of guys who have been loyal to the team have just been wiped away without any notice. This isnt the first time.

I understand wanting to be better, and our promotion to a new league means things, but the dude just posted about us working together, staying together and getting better together. Did you catch the theme? Together?

And I deserved at least some notice before it happened.

Now this low class piece of trash dumps me into God knows where just to be a jerk. Very classy move.

The morale of this story is remember this is just a game and there are NO loyalties. Oh and never trust this wonder load of crap named Swamp Rat. Never.
Maybe it was just a bad episode of Punk'D?
Plus lookign at their team... dont cry too much about it... im sure they will only go 8-8 or maybe 9-7 at most
A good team has selfless players that will sacrifice their "role" if it gives their team the best chance to win. On the flip side a good owner will make sure all of his guys get adequate playing time in a way that gives his team the best chance to win.

Not taking sides because I'm sure there's way more to the story that you let on....just making an observation.

Last edited Jun 8, 2008 19:48:43
I'm sorry but it's more low class to bring this to the public eye.
Originally posted by jfbueno
I'm sorry but it's more low class to bring this to the public eye.

No thats wrong.

Lets see whats more low class...

Someone acting like a scumbag...
somone calling out the scumbag...

My money is on teh scumbag
Wait, aren't you the person who went on to the BBB forums last season saying which scrub team is going to get there ass beat next year?

Yeah, don't give me that lecture. Pot meet kettle.
Last edited Jun 8, 2008 20:12:41
People just seem to fail to realize that teams need to upgrade to compete. It happens in GLB and in the NFL. Sorry if feelings were hurt but yes, there isn't too much loyalty in the league.
Originally posted by Whatsdafus
Plus lookign at their team... dont cry too much about it... im sure they will only go 8-8 or maybe 9-7 at most

And maybe you'll underachieve just like last season huh?
You still want to talk shit about the team I GM either? I mean we are up in AA now while you're scrub ass team is still here in A. You must be really bad at predictions because everything you said would probably happen didn't even come close to that.
I has 7 titles
This guy is mad at the owner because the owner found somebody twice as good. The Orlando Dogg Pound won their conference in BBB so they moved up to A, where the competition will be very tough. Who calls an owner a scumbag because he is trying to bring his team up a level to compete at this new higher level? Give me a break? Sh-t happens and teams get better. You look like a fool acting like this owner did anything wrong and you air this out on the public boards? Nobody cares? Your advertising that your player lost his job! Way to go! You got replaced and not your crying like a girl. Your sir.... are a bag of douche.
I has 7 titles
Originally posted by Whatsdafus
Originally posted by jfbueno

I'm sorry but it's more low class to bring this to the public eye.

No thats wrong.

Lets see whats more low class...

Someone acting like a scumbag...
somone calling out the scumbag...

My money is on teh scumbag

Thats flawed logic because the owner is not a scumbag for improving his team. Espcially in the circumstance the Dogg Pound is in.

Therefore option #2 is "someone who called somebody a scumbag perfectly for no reason and is flat out lying"...

SERIOUSLY... WHO IS GOING TO SIGN YOU NOW? YOUR A WHINER AND NOT A TEAM PLAYER. FLAT OUT LYING AND THROWING YOUR TEAM UNDER THE BUS. I feel sorry for the team you trick into signing you. And I feel sorry for you.
Yo Step. I understand you're upset about the lack of notice, but in Swamp's defense his team got transferred to one of the hardest leagues in GLB (based off Borts level rankings). He had to do something.

Yeah, he could have given you notice and ample time to respond to his plans to improve the team before he acted, but from the owner's side of things, sometimes you don't have a lot of time to react once you see how screwed your lineup is going to be heading into the season. If you see a FA that you absolutely need to compete, and we need the guys we got, you have to jump on that guy because there are 500 other teams that want him.

I'm guessing that's what happened in this situation. Swamp looked at the league rosters (I know I did) and saw our entire team was 3 levels lower than everybody except the 0-16 team from last year. So, he took action to get who he could while he could to close that gap. We had such a good season and close team that he probably thought everyone would see the writing on the wall and accept some backup roles.

I know loyalty matters and I try to work with my guys the best I can to show it. But, if I ended up in the unfortunate position that Swamp got, I would have told my entire O-line and D-line to boost twice, save one, and be prepared to get our asses kicked all year. I would have tried to land someone high enough level to not get run out of the league and hope some guys would accept backup roles. All the depth below them would be traded to better situations because they can't help in the A1. And, if anyone had a problem with that plan I'd understand and offer them a release so they can start somewhere. That's not breaking your promise of loyalty, it's being fair and reasonable.

You got to keep guys happy, but if Swamp didn't do something we'd be relegated back to the BBB next season. A whole season of getting your ass kicked 70 to 3 doesn't sound like too much fun, starting or not.

Btw, if you want to get on a good team with a great guy I'll PM you the link to his team. He's the current GM for my team and needs a starting center. If Swamp wants to trade you for some cash grambrinus843 would be glad to have you. It's Oceania AA btw.
Last edited Jun 9, 2008 02:57:47
Dude, you are a total and complete joke for taking this to the public board. NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR YOU WHINE BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO START. I hope every owner on this game reads this thread just so they'll know to stay away from you. And to think I was actually trying to sympathize with you before...well no more of that.
UF, cant Swamp defend himself? No what should have happen is a PM is sent to his starting center and leader of his O-line telling him hey, this is whats happening, just wanted to give you a heads up. I know you were an important par tof the team, but thing happen.

Thats class.

The BS that was stated above is not right. Its low class. And hate to tell ya bud but other than some speed and agility, that dude isnt any better than my C, and I promise you can get away with those differences. To say he is TWICE as good is an amazingly ignorant statement.

I wish nothing but the best for the players of the Dogg Pound, but just know, your days are numbered. Swamp will replace you as soon as he can find a more attractive option. There is no loyalty.

And Hydro, to your point, had I been asked that, this may have all been avoided, but we can all tell SwampRAT didnt see fit to respect his players.

and Bueno and UF... you both know that I was a great teamate. I didnt deserve this.

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