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Forum > Pro Leagues > How to Clean Up WL
Most of you already know this, but it is worth posting here. If you want WL cleaned up, Bort is not going to do it, it is entirely up to you.

Originally posted by A Smart Guy

An Internet troll is a person who takes pleasure in sowing discord on the Internet. The overarching goal is to damage people, entities, or ideas with which the Internet troll disagrees, or to provoke controversy.

Internet trolls are additionally interested in meeting their own attention-needs, which are often unmet in their real life, and may suffer from various psychological disorders.

Internet trolls have been described as "sad people." They typically possess a poorly developed set of social skills and have difficulty viewing their actions from the perspectives of their victims. They may be callous to the fact that they are harming real people, instead viewing Internet users as "digital abstractions". They may thus feel no remorse for harm they cause, and in fact may judge their own level of "success" by the amount of that harm. Most are impervious to rationale, mature arguments against their wares, and will protest that their rights are being curtailed if ever there is an attempt to call them on their trolling.

Why do users troll? For attention they can't get in the real world, or for the feeling of success when they get a hit. It is the same reason why things took place yesterday. Do you think anyone cares about individual trophies? They care about the reaction their actions invoke. Basic psychology tells you that these people are lacking something in the real world, so they come here to get it.

The only way to stop their activity is to stop replying to their posts/threads, and to stop replying to their actions.

Easier said than done, but worth mentioning for those that want WL, and in particular, the forum, to be more than it is.
is this one of those bump when you dump threads?
Originally posted by doo2scooby
Most of you already know this, but it is worth posting here. If you want WL cleaned up, Bort is not going to do it, it is entirely up to you.

Originally posted by A Smart Guy

An Internet troll is a person who takes pleasure in sowing discord on the Internet. The overarching goal is to damage people, entities, or ideas with which the Internet troll disagrees, or to provoke controversy.

Internet trolls are additionally interested in meeting their own attention-needs, which are often unmet in their real life, and may suffer from various psychological disorders.

Internet trolls have been described as "sad people." They typically possess a poorly developed set of social skills and have difficulty viewing their actions from the perspectives of their victims. They may be callous to the fact that they are harming real people, instead viewing Internet users as "digital abstractions". They may thus feel no remorse for harm they cause, and in fact may judge their own level of "success" by the amount of that harm. Most are impervious to rationale, mature arguments against their wares, and will protest that their rights are being curtailed if ever there is an attempt to call them on their trolling.

Why do users troll? For attention they can't get in the real world, or for the feeling of success when they get a hit. It is the same reason why things took place yesterday. Do you think anyone cares about individual trophies? They care about the reaction their actions invoke. Basic psychology tells you that these people are lacking something in the real world, so they come here to get it.

The only way to stop their activity is to stop replying to their posts/threads, and to stop replying to their actions.

Easier said than done, but worth mentioning for those that want WL, and in particular, the forum, to be more than it is.

2 things

Originally posted by coachviking
2 things


***O*** Hall of Fame.

Hi scooby!
Originally posted by phthalatemagic
Originally posted by coachviking

2 things


***O*** Hall of Fame.

Hi scooby!

Can you score me a pass to get into the***O*** H.O.F. I want to ride the Big Shirley Merry go Round
Edited by coachviking on Nov 5, 2009 10:36:53
Originally posted by coachviking
Can you score me a pass to get into the***O*** H.O.F. I want to ride the Big Shirley Merry go Round

I can hook u up but that's a really long line. Do you have a few hours?
moar checkins to remain activity imo
Originally posted by Timetoshine-Beta
moar checkins to remain activity imo

This thread is about ***O*** HOFers now.

Never heard of them
Edited by Timetoshine-Beta on Nov 5, 2009 10:49:26
Originally posted by Timetoshine-Beta
Never heard of them

That's ok. I'm sure someone once said "abe Lincoln who??" as well
not an ad min
Originally posted by phthalatemagic
Originally posted by Timetoshine-Beta

Never heard of them

That's ok. I'm sure someone once said "abe Lincoln who??" as well

Did you just say, "Hey Blinkin?"
why doesn't he get a capital letter for his first name? he couldn't of been very important
Originally posted by Timetoshine-Beta
why doesn't he get a capital letter for his first name? he couldn't of been very important

Steve jobs is an ahole. That's why
Abraham Lincoln's position on freeing the slaves was one of the central issues in American history. Initially, Lincoln expected to bring about the eventual extinction of slavery by stopping its further expansion into any U.S. territory, and by offering compensated emancipation (an offer accepted only by Washington, D.C). Lincoln stood by the Republican Party platform in 1860, which stated that slavery should not be allowed to expand into any more territories. Most Americans agreed that if all future states admitted to the Union were to be free states, that slavery would eventually be abolished.

In 1842, Lincoln married Mary Todd, daughter of a prominent slave-owning family from Kentucky. His brother-in-law, Ben Hardin Helm would later serve as a Brig. General in the Confederacy, leading the 1st Kentucky Cavalry of the Orphan Brigade. Lincoln returned to the political stage as a result of the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act and soon became a leading opponent of the Slave Power--that is the political power of the southern slave owners. The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, written to form the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, included language, designed by Stephen A. Douglas, which allowed the settlers to decide whether they would or would not accept slavery in their region. Lincoln saw this as a repeal of the 1820 Missouri Compromise which had outlawed slavery above the 36-30' parallel.

During the American Civil War, Lincoln used the war powers of the presidency to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared "all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free" but exempted border states and those areas of slave states already under Union control. As a practical matter, at first the Proclamation could only be enforced to free those slaves that had already escaped to the Union side. However, millions more were freed as more areas of the South came under Union control.

Originally posted by doo2scooby
Why do users troll? For attention they can't get in the real world, or for the feeling of success when they get a hit. It is the same reason why things took place yesterday. Do you think anyone cares about individual trophies? They care about the reaction their actions invoke. Basic psychology tells you that these people are lacking something in the real world, so they come here to get it.

The only way to stop their activity is to stop replying to their posts/threads, and to stop replying to their actions.

Easier said than done, but worth mentioning for those that want WL, and in particular, the forum, to be more than it is.

no u

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