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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Rate My L21 LOLB - Build Advice Appreciated!
This is my first-ever character, so a LOT of mistakes to be had, but I'm open to advice; I'm going for more of a pass-coverage type LOLB:

Physical Skills:

Strength: 21.61
Speed: 64 (+18)
Agility: 41.61
Jumping: 27
Vision: 42.61
Confidence: 31.61
Stamina: 31.61

Football Skills:

Blocking: 20
Tackling: 26.61
Throwing: 9
Catching: 22
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 8
Punting: 9

Hard Hitter Abilities:

Snarl - 3
Aura of Intimitation - 3
Diving Tackle - 2
Monster Hit - 2
Defense General - 1

Pass Rusher Abilities:

Trash Talk - 2
The Glare - 2
Shed Block - 2
Swat Ball - 2
Big Sack - 0
Edited by KINGDOM SRK on Nov 1, 2009 14:49:24
stop with S'A's and focus on speed agility and

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