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Physical Attributes
Strength: 90.83 (+18)
Speed: 95.46 (+23)
Agility: 70.68 (+1)
Jumping: 42.13
Stamina: 52.92
Vision: 66.59
Confidence: 52.13

Football Skills
Blocking: 21.13
Catching: 25.13
Tackling: 59.85
Throwing: 9
Carrying: 10
Kicking: 10
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 3
Aura of Intimidation: 5
Diving Tackle: 4
Monster Hit: 7
Defense General: 10

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 1
The Glare: 0
Shed Blocks: 0
Swat Ball: 0
Big Sack: 0

Veteran Abilities
Workout Warrior: 10
Football Genius: 10
Heavyweight: 10
Jackhammer: 10
Power Tackler: 10
Sure Tackler: 10
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Did you see a big difference with Defense General that high? I am wanting to bring my LB's to an 8, at least, by the time he is level 40 but I don't think I will make it by then. Most definitely by level 48 though.

Also, for a MLB, is his speed too high, too low, or just right, in your opinion?

Finally, did you build him to be a cover MLB, run stopper MLB, or a hybrid?
If you want to be a MLB, you have to max D-General. There is no way to calculate the effect it has, but in theory, any MLB should have it maxed. I think I went to 9 and 10 between 55 and 60.

As for the speed, I have him built to be really fast because he has to cover TEs a great deal of the time, and he is also used in Punt and Kickoff coverage, that's where he makes the FFUMs .

Finally, I built him to be what you call a hybrid. All of his special abilities are in the run stopper category, but his stats facilitate him being able to drop into coverage as well.

Post the stats on Mr. Light, and I will give you my educate opinion.
Edited by j0shle0 on Oct 21, 2009 23:32:05
Edited by j0shle0 on Oct 21, 2009 23:29:02
Physical Attributes
Strength: 69.85 (+1)
Speed: 42.19 (+10)
Agility: 50.85
Jumping: 15.19
Stamina: 17.85
Vision: 18.85
Confidence: 17.85

Football Skills
Blocking: 15.19
Catching: 15.19
Tackling: 63.85

I level after my next game and I have one skill point in the bank. I have one more training with agility and it will be at ~95% so I am going to leave that there for the time being and train speed/stamina. With my next six points I have been thinking about getting Tackling to the 4:1 cap although I am also contemplating getting Agility to the 3:1 cap as well and letting Tackling auto raise a little more before 4:1 capping that.

I have left Vision and Confidence alone for now and will train them when I get Speed to the 3:1 cap (60) which will be after Agility is to that same level... so for not awhile. I obviously do not have level 24 equipment and I do not have Custom equipment as I have wondered where to put the +6. It would appear you put the +6 in strength. My focus is on a pure run stuffing MLB unlike the hybrid you built. I am attempting to build a player who will be the great MLB while the SS or FS can pick up the TE while I shadow the RB and QB. I also have not boosted this season yet. Yes, I know Vision is important in this venture but this is how I attacked the build.
For a run stuffer, get Vision and Agility WAAAAAAAAAY up. You'll also need Strength around 100 to take on linemen. I wouldn't really worry about speed, and your tackling is fine for awhile.
for the OP, if you can up tackling, you could move VPs from sure tackler into power tackler and jackhammer.

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