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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Whomever the Ass was that owned the Chesapeake Team...
Looks like his name is crap now....he not only fucked some of his most loyal players....he royally fucked himself with the league...and Bort. Old Ches players...make sure you speak with Bort on this..looks like some of those players are getting their signing bonus' revoked.

And Packers...for you to come on and explain this crap with an accident....I only hope to god either its the truth, or you were led to believe its the truth...cuz if not...thats pretty fuckin low.
Originally posted by vt_dolfan
Looks like his name is crap now....he not only fucked some of his most loyal players....he royally fucked himself with the league...and Bort. Old Ches players...make sure you speak with Bort on this..looks like some of those players are getting their signing bonus' revoked.

And Packers...for you to come on and explain this crap with an accident....I only hope to god either its the truth, or you were led to believe its the truth...cuz if not...thats pretty fuckin low.

The car crash thing is what Csjezek posted on our team forum and if that wasn't true then I'm pissed, but after reading that thread I can say as a player on Chesapeake that I'm utterly disgusted with this. A TON of those people are from our team. Most of them are from Damienesdras(Big D Esdras, Damienesdras, Jonathin Riggins to name a few) in fact there are only two people that Damien owns that AREN'T on the Genocide. I really don't like to dis my team, but man I can't believe they'd do that.
if its not true, then I'm sorry, but when shit like that happens it gets to me. I put a lot of time into that team being the O coordinator and helping them recruit. Whatever, I retired my RB anyway. Focus on my QB for now. Good luck to all you guys that are still on Chesapeake
yeah that was classless horse-shit. I mean, i dont mean to sound like an ass myself but i really doubt what Csjezek said was true becoz i really doubt it but not only did he gutted Chesapeake but he ALSO gutted the Brentwood Bears a team that he OWNED, thats really fucked up and class-less. If the old Chesa players wants, you could try and get signed onto a AA Africa #3 league team if you guys want to get pay back against the bastard. We all know where he is. Chaosdogg and myself to name a few have already made an appearance over at AA Africa #3 to warn them of Csjezek.
I never got involved in the whole cheater escapade. I figured it would work itself out and it did. While the team as a whole may not have been in the know, the owner was certainly mindful of what he was doing. Maybe not cheating, but certainly lacked ethics. I can't say anyone would be shocked by what he would do from here on out.

As for the remaining players form that team, if you want to keep a home in A#8 for another season, feel free to contact me. I hate to see people get the shaft end of the stick when unscrupulous poeple do their stuff.
They'v edone it before and got away with it and still couldn't win. Guess they thought they could do it again.

Even though we are in AA4 now, this still feels like my home!!!

Got to find some more depth if we're going to be able ot compete in that league. Holy smokes it is tough.
ya i really doubt that the car accident is true. Which is really really fucked up how he would lie about that. If anyone contacts him ask him to show a link to an online article. Because if 2 people died in a car accident it would be guarnteed that an article would be online about it.

I feel bad for you left over cheaspeake player5 but I have to say we told you so.

packer you are forgiven, but think before you say something. this guy totally screwed that team and that was what a lot of us were saying from jump. truly classless if you ask me...

good luck survivors of the chesapeake massacre...
Ya, I guess they did cheat after all, IDK what to believe anymore. Hope to face you guys with the team I own one day, the Rage. They are what they are fair and square
Originally posted by verks36
ya i really doubt that the car accident is true. Which is really really fucked up how he would lie about that. If anyone contacts him ask him to show a link to an online article. Because if 2 people died in a car accident it would be guarnteed that an article would be online about it.

I feel bad for you left over cheaspeake player5 but I have to say we told you so.

I don't want to think that people are lying about serious stuff, but if this isn't true then these guys have found a new type of low. Now I feel terrible for defending Damen this entire season.
Eh, you guys did what players should do...defend their team. It just sucks for you guys that you were defending someone like damien. Hopefully this will open a lot of eyes for the future, and this wont keep happening. I hope that i was civilized and rational enough in my dealing with those of you who talked with me in private that it now shows i truly had your best interest as players in mind, when i said all the things i did about the issue. I wish you guys the best in finding a new team, or rebuilding a competitive one and sticking around here.
yeah i gotta say they really gave you guys a royal screw job. I hope the remaining Chesapeake players stick around in the USA A #8 league, it is a good league if you guys want to stick around. Anyways, if you don't no worries, i wish you guys good luck on your new team and hope you guys get a fresh start. I pray that the next team your on have a really great and caring owner.

But i'm with verks man, i think that car crash shit is a load of BS and i for one don't buy it. It was a royal screw and what's sad is that the new teams in Africa AA #3 won't have that much a chance to beat them considering that they have really high level guys who have a TON of experience. But i'll say this though, they start over on a new team but I'LL be there to remind them of the screw job they did and wut classless pond scum they are.

They are cheaters and i ain't gonna let them forget.
Originally posted by AznIntegra521
yeah i gotta say they really gave you guys a royal screw job. I hope the remaining Chesapeake players stick around in the USA A #8 league, it is a good league if you guys want to stick around. Anyways, if you don't no worries, i wish you guys good luck on your new team and hope you guys get a fresh start. I pray that the next team your on have a really great and caring owner.

But i'm with verks man, i think that car crash shit is a load of BS and i for one don't buy it. It was a royal screw and what's sad is that the new teams in Africa AA #3 won't have that much a chance to beat them considering that they have really high level guys who have a TON of experience. But i'll say this though, they start over on a new team but I'LL be there to remind them of the screw job they did and wut classless pond scum they are.

They are cheaters and i ain't gonna let them forget.

looks like they players wont be stickin around in USA 8
See ya guys. Luke was traded to AAA #2 Poctalla Punishers, so I probably wont be posting anymore. It's funny though it feels like I like I know you guys, but I feel like the new kid on the block in AAA. Best of luck to all in the league next season and who knows maybe in a couple of years I'll play you guys in AAA.
Good luck there, Linker!

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