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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Level 50 LB - Any ideas on what position I should be playing?

Physical Attributes (W/O equipment)
Strength: 59.13
Speed: 81.19 (64.19)
Agility: 71.13 (64.13)
Jumping: 37.19
Stamina: 57.13
Vision: 68.13 (61.13)
Confidence: 52.13

Football Skills
Blocking: 19.19
Catching: 37.19
Tackling: 61.13 (60.13)
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 3
Aura of Intimidation: 3
Diving Tackle: 4
Monster Hit: 6
Defense General: 6

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 0
The Glare: 0
Shed Blocks: 0
Swat Ball: 0
Big Sack: 0

Additional Abilities (AEQ)
Wall: 4
Break Block Chance: 14%

Veteran Abilities
Clutch: 15
Red Zone Freak: 15
Sure Tackler: 5

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