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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > STR or BLK for my LV. 30 Somewhat Super-Slow Built Center???

I'll be boosting him at the start of next season and he is a game or two away from hitting the next level. Not taking into account LV. 32 EQ., how would you spend the 20 SP's? On BLK, STR or come close to capping AGL? Any thoughts or insights would be appreciated.
The center blocks DT's. DT's typically have high strength, speed, and agility, not necessarily in that order. The center's two primary attributes are strength and blocking. Can you guess what the third one is? It's one that would help you contains DT's better.

Remember that you will likely bring your player into the 60's. Look toward that build. Build up agility to 68, speed to 60, train vision and confidence. After agility and speed reach targets, build up stamina to 60. After stamina reaches 60, start working on SA's. The only reason to touch SA's any sooner is if you get a GOOD piece of AE and you want to make that AE more effective. But mostly stay away from the SA's. Your build will be much more effective at the higher levels. (Pancake is a waste no matter what the cost.) Keep training vision and confidence til career ends.
Do not take stamina to 60. With LG and NL it is not necessary.

That's a bunch of wasted SP imo.
Originally posted by immagonnawin
Do not take stamina to 60. With LG and NL it is not necessary.

That's a bunch of wasted SP imo.

If players build their stamina up to 60, there wouldn't be much of a need for LG. It will cost 26 points to get Line General up to 6. If you start building LG up any sooner than in your 40's then you are sacrificing your base build. If you don't want to sacrifice the base build, by the time you are ready to build up LG players should have high enough confidence and stamina that LG won't really matter. I did suggest waiting until all the other usable attributes have been raised before pumping stamina up to 60.
Yes, it does matter.

What about the morale and energy of the rest of your OL?
Originally posted by immagonnawin
Yes, it does matter.

What about the morale and energy of the rest of your OL?

If you build linemen effectively, they should have enough confidence and stamina where the bonus they get from Line General doesn't matter. If you want to sacrifice your Center's late career build to make the rest of the O-line a bit more effective then you can build on LG while the center is leveled in the 20's or 30's. But if you wait until the center has a solid build in the 40's (as I suggest) then spending points on LG is not necessary. Of course, if your other linemen have been built poorly as many of them have, then LG becomes more important. I'd rather see well-built linemen and build a better center than need the center to make up for the build mistakes of many linemen.

A lot of eople start spending points on SA's way to soon in their player's carreers and don't seem to understand the impact it has. While the SA's spending may give marginal bonuses in some situations of their play early on, simply building a solid player using just the base attributes is much simpler and has much bigger impact on the overall performance of the players.
Edited by FatLoad on Oct 1, 2009 07:37:40
I didn't say to necessarily spend points on LG.

I'm level 40 and I haven't put one point into it (yet).

That being said, I have two LG aeq pieces and a ceq bonus that takes it to 9.

Yes, I do think LG is the most important thing for a center to have after Strength.

It makes 5 guys on the field much better.
Originally posted by immagonnawin
I'm level 40 and I haven't put one point into it.

Originally posted by immagonnawin
Yes, I do think LG is the most important thing for a center to have after Strength.

If LG is the most important thing for a center to have after strength, why wouldn't you spend points on it immediately after taking strength up to 68 or 72 or so?
I actually brought Strength to 77 before touching anything else.

It's called a slow-build.

I didn't particularly care about his performance in the first few seasons.


@ Fatload!
would it be stupid to switch str and blocking? if I took my blocking up to 68 first would I be ruining my player's future?
No, i guess it doesnt matter which of the two you get up first (str/blk) as lon as those two are the two attribs you get up first. Main thing is to decide at some point how much is high enough and move forward to secondary skills.
TJ Spikes
personally I don't get why it's so cool to have a crappy player for half a career, just to have like 2 or 3 good years at the end... but that's just me.

Everyone should decide for themselves when they want their player to peak. Investing in SAs early doesn't make you a bad player, it just gives you an earlier advantage at the expense of late career performance.

I used to have a KR based CB, where I dumped a butt load of points into SAs starting at L16. I had an awesome trophy collection, including 1 S.T. MVP and an assortment of gold, silvers and a couple bronzes. This last season he was past his prime (L38), so I retired him. Now I'm working on my next batch of killers with all the SPs I got back from retiring that 1 player.

I'd just rather have a fairly constant stream of good players...
Originally posted by TJ Spikes
personally I don't get why it's so cool to have a crappy player for half a career, just to have like 2 or 3 good years at the end... but that's just me.

If it's done right, most slow-built players are effective in their second season, some in the first season. Especially interior offensive linemen. Slow-building can create a mismatch. If a lineman works only on strength the first season and their opponent does too, then they struggle together. If a lineman works only on strength and their opponent does not, the weak opponent typically gets pushed around a little bit more. For other positions, it may go into the second season before the player is effective. But by sacrificing the first season, the other seasons tend to be better.

You can build players that will be better in early seasons and not be so good late in their careers. But slow-building in the first season at least will make even these players better in seasons 2 through 5.
Originally posted by FatLoad
Originally posted by immagonnawin

I'm level 40 and I haven't put one point into it.

Originally posted by immagonnawin

Yes, I do think LG is the most important thing for a center to have after Strength.

If LG is the most important thing for a center to have after strength, why wouldn't you spend points on it immediately after taking strength up to 68 or 72 or so?

Originally posted by immagonnawin
I actually brought Strength to 77 before touching anything else.

It's called a slow-build.

I didn't particularly care about his performance in the first few seasons.

OK, so if LG is the most important thing for a center to have after strength, why wouldn't you spend points on it immediately after taking strength up to 77?

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