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Forum > Pro Leagues > FAQ: statuswhore
The questions have already been raised in other threads:

What is a statuswhore?
How can I avoid becoming a statuswhore?
If I am a statuswhore, you're gonna say I'm the bestest one, right?

So as a public service and an introduction to all the new folks, here is a brief synopsis of statuswhorism.

GLB is all about proving something. The game is not enjoyable unless it proves something. The most common instance of statuswhorism in the World League forums focuses on the supremacy of whatever league you came from.

Being in the top league isn't enough. Coming from an "elite" league isn't enough. Being acknowledged as having made it to World League from USA/CPL/SLAP/whichever and that league was the best... THAT is what matters. Having others acknowledge the fact that you were spawned from the loins of bestness is more important than the fact itself.

Reigning statuswhore: islander1
Took the title in impressive fashion with his constant haranguing of Cobra Kai, needing people to believe they ran away in fear from whatever forgettable team he was part of. Cemented his status by riding the coattails of a team that made it to WL on their own when he and his team couldn't make it on their own.

First attendant: JoeBarber
His antics led to the creation of the phrase. Wore it with pride. Still exhibits some statuswhorism, but it has been on the decline of late. This rating is more honorary than earned, and his standing is in jeopardy unless he starts statuswhoring it up a bit more than he has of late.

Second attendant: SamBolster
All of his "What other league..." threads threatened to win the title for him, but after a while, they smacked of trying-too-hard-ism. Still a strong contender.

Others receiving votes: PsychoMan already has positioned himself as the top contender to break into the hierarchy after just two days. By the way he's campaigning, he's guaranteed to be at least first attendant by the time the next voting is held. Of course, being a statuswhore, he won't easily settle for being second best....
Edited by JuniorMcSpiffy on Sep 25, 2009 11:16:32
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
The questions have already been raised in other threads:

What is a statuswhore?
How can I avoid becoming a statuswhore?
If I am a statuswhore, you're gonna say I'm the bestest one, right?

So as a public service and an introduction to all the new folks, here is a brief synopsis of statuswhorism.

GLB is all about proving something. The game is not enjoyable unless it proves something. The most common instance of statuswhorism in the World League forums focuses on the supremacy of whatever league you came from.

Being in the top league isn't enough. Coming from an "elite" league isn't enough. Being acknowledged as having made it to World League from USA/CPL/SLAP/whichever and that league was the best... THAT is what matters. Having others acknowledge the fact that you were spawned from the loins of bestness is more important than the fact itself.

Reigning statuswhore: islander1
Took the title in impressive fashion with his constant haranguing of Cobra Kai, needing people to believe they ran away in fear from whatever forgettable team he was part of. Cemented his status by riding the coattails of a team that made it to WL on their own when he and his team couldn't make it on their own.

First attendant: JoeBarber
His antics led to the creation of the phrase. Wore it with pride. Still exhibits some statuswhorism, but it has been on the decline of late. This rating is more honorary than earned, and his standing is in jeopardy unless he starts statuswhoring it up a bit more than he has of late.

Second attendant: SamBolster
All of his "What other league..." threads threatened to win the title for him, but after a while, they smacked of trying-too-hard-ism. Still a strong contender.

Others receiving votes: PsychoMan already has positioned himself as the top contender to break into the hierarchy after just two days. By the way he's campaigning, he's guaranteed to be at least first attendant by the time the next voting is held. Of course, being a statuswhore, he won't easily settle for being second best....


user has no business invading World League
Says the insignificant piece of Cobra Kai trash.

Sweep the leg (out of the World League)!

I'm here because if I weren't, how would any of you receive style points? It's a public service.

And Cobra Kai sucks.
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

GLB is all about proving something.

Show your work here, thanks
Originally posted by phthalatemagic
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

GLB is all about proving something.

Show your work here, thanks

It is the defining premise of statuswhorism. If GLB ain't about proving something for you, then you are not eligible for statuswhore.... ummm... status.

If I am a statuswhore, you're gonna say I'm the bestest one, right?
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
I'm here because if I weren't, how would any of you receive style points? It's a public service.

And Cobra Kai sucks.

I almost hit lock thread...Than I saw this beacon of light in an otherwise dark, dingy thread.
Originally posted by coachviking
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

I'm here because if I weren't, how would any of you receive style points? It's a public service.

And Cobra Kai sucks.

I almost hit lock thread...Than I saw this beacon of light in an otherwise dark, dingy thread.

I know, right? Wherever they go, they just litter the place with all sorts of threads about their supposed greatness, they attempt to take over entire forums by sheer volume... it grates on the nerves after a while.

durr I should have looked.
Edited by kadafitcd on Sep 25, 2009 13:25:19
Dave read your pm's!
<---- on the list
OP is an attention whore ldo
not an ad min
ITT: Lack of Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

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