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Forum > FB Club > Rate My FB > Rate my Rushing FB Plz
Rating - this is an ok fullback for levels 20-30. This will be a mediocre fullback after that.

You didn't ask for advice, so ignore the following if you'd like.

You may want to consider delaying any more investment in speed until after investing in agility and carrying. The level gains fullbacks get in strength, carrying and agility make slow building a requirement for top end fullbacks. If you want to be more successful at level 20-35, then you're doing ok, but from level 40 up you'll be at a disadvantage compared to other slowbuilt fullbacks.

For comparisons sake, here's mine at level 19. His speed without equipment is a 20:

He's "super slow built" which means I delayed putting him in a lineup for a season and a half to extend training, but even without it, there will be a big contrast between these two players when they reach level 50. I don't recommend super slowbuilding, though.

For a quick recommendation on what to do - At the very least you should get agility to 60. Train carrying/catching or carrying/confidence while investing in agility to 60, then get carrying to 60. Then work on speed to 68. He won't be the best, but it won't take until level 50 to do this, either.

Edit - Here's a blocking fullback that's also been super slow built for more comparison ---
Edited by shull on Sep 20, 2009 13:10:14
I want him to be a Rushing FB.
Originally posted by shull

You may want to consider delaying any more investment in speed until after investing in agility and carrying. The level gains fullbacks get in strength, carrying and agility make slow building a requirement for top end fullbacks. If you want to be more successful at level 20-35, then you're doing ok, but from level 40 up you'll be at a disadvantage compared to other slowbuilt fullbacks.


For a quick recommendation on what to do - At the very least you should get agility to 60. Train carrying/catching or carrying/confidence while investing in agility to 60, then get carrying to 60. Then work on speed to 68. He won't be the best, but it won't take until level 50 to do this, either.


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