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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Rate my Lvl 16 MLB

Physical Attributes
Strength: 47.95
Speed: 43.75
Agility: 43.95
Jumping: 13.75
Stamina: 21.95
Vision: 21.95
Confidence: 21.95

Football Skills
Blocking: 13.75
Tackling: 42.95
Throwing: 8
Catching: 13.75
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 9
Punting: 9
Edited by RawDawg78 on Sep 16, 2009 17:53:44
Edited by RawDawg78 on Sep 16, 2009 17:53:32
Not good, I would retire honestly. Start by getting your speed to 68 then agility. I plan to have my LB's strength, speed, and agility all to 68 natural + whatever they get from level gains by around 34 I believe. I would go that route.
I would take agility first only because you get more from the natural gain from agility, than take speed 68 if you choose. Others will take vision, tackling and maybe even confidence to 48 before messing with speed. There is a lot of if's ands and but's when building a LB and everythign has to be precise. This is guys is salvagable though, just as long as you don't start wasting sp's in SA's

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