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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Level 27 OLB, continue or retire?
I had in mind to be a coverage LOLB, but I'm stuck at ROLB this season. I'm a bit dissatisfied with the order I hit my caps in, and I wanted some straight talk on how he's going to be when he gets to level 40, and if I'm better off retiring him.

No SAs, other than +1 to Pass Rushing tree from CE, +2 to Shed Block from AEQ and +3 to Wrap Up Tackle from AEQ. Also have Break block chance +10%. Currently training str/tac while putting SPs toward the agility 3rd cap, then I'll get strength to 1st cap. Stats in parentheses are with equipment. Insults or EPIC FAIL replies welcome.

Physical Attributes
Strength 36.11
Speed 68.13 (87.13)
Agility 61.11 (62.11)
Jumping 16.13

Mental Attributes
Stamina 26.11
Vision 53.11
Confidence 20.11 (21.11)

Football Skills
Blocking 16.13
Tackling 39.11
Throwing 10
Catching 16.13
Carrying 8
Kicking 8
Punting 8
Edited by nohorizon on Sep 16, 2009 15:35:14
I think he's fine. After level 22 the importance of capping order lessens quite a bit. Maybe he's not ideal but he's still better than average most likely.

...even though I don't really mean it He's not bad, just keep progressing as you are

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