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Forum > CB Club > Rate My CB > LVL 21 CB. Pls rate
weak build
Your CB Jet is worse than mine, lmao. Get the fuck off my thread.

Edited by Packers27 on Aug 30, 2009 12:40:37
J Stay
It's salvageable. Just hold off on those SAs a bit longer and use those caps.
Hello again. Well you want to get his speed to 68 natural if it isn't already then get agility to 68. You wasted time getting vision that high right now and will miss out on some level gains with agility.
Speed kills remember? I've got it and a CB also needs vision and agility. I've already got viison good for now. It doesn't matter what you do first with that kind of speed. By making him fast and visioned will make him more rounded as a coverage CB. Had I gave him alot of speed and agility then he'd still be fooled in coverage. I made the right move there so anything else?
Iron Maiden
A Lv 26 CB on Lv 24 team has 99 speed, 70 agility, and 50 vision. Yours is neither fast nor visioned
Originally posted by Packers27
Speed kills remember? I've got it and a CB also needs vision and agility. I've already got viison good for now. It doesn't matter what you do first with that kind of speed. By making him fast and visioned will make him more rounded as a coverage CB. Had I gave him alot of speed and agility then he'd still be fooled in coverage. I made the right move there so anything else?

Not the right move there.
Originally posted by Iron Maiden
A Lv 26 CB on Lv 24 team has 99 speed, 70 agility, and 50 vision. Yours is neither fast nor visioned

Are you fucking serious? You really think that Maiden? Now, I know why you bash my players. Not bc they suck but bc their mine.

Just the other day I had all kinds of great feedback on this player but it came from people that I've never chatted with. Hmmm? ENOUGH SAID

Originally posted by Packers27
Originally posted by Iron Maiden

A Lv 26 CB on Lv 24 team has 99 speed, 70 agility, and 50 vision. Yours is neither fast nor visioned

Are you fucking serious? You really think that Maiden? Now, I know why you bash my players. Not bc they suck but bc their mine.

Just the other day I had all kinds of great feedback on this player but it came from people that I've never chatted with. Hmmm? ENOUGH SAID

Thats why I listen to NOTHING yall say bc you aren't trustworthy when it comes to builds.
And by arguing with me and exposing yourselves as I speak the truth, other people with needed advice sees this and stays away from yall. I've had quite a few guys already that has PMed me, wanting me to give them player advice bc they can't get their point across without getting criticized by you asshats. I can give good advice when I want and others know that. I've been doing that for a while now. I just don't do it in forums bc they always talk shit. Thats why I like to use those forums to bash them and humilate them like I do with yall and can still give good advice when agents need it. They know where to find me. You asshats think you're smart, but me and a bunch more know better. You're not smart, you're smartasses

Iron Maiden

Why do you even come to "Rate My CB" if all you want to hear is that your CB is doing an excellent job (when in truth he's not). Seems like a waste of time talking to you.

Originally posted by Packers27
And by arguing with me and exposing yourselves as I speak the truth, other people with needed advice sees this and stays away from yall. I've had quite a few guys already that has PMed me, wanting me to give them player advice bc they can't get their point across without getting criticized by you asshats. I can give good advice when I want and others know that. I've been doing that for a while now. I just don't do it in forums bc they always talk shit. Thats why I like to use those forums to bash them and humilate them like I do with yall and can still give good advice when agents need it. They know where to find me. You asshats think you're smart, but me and a bunch more know better. You're not smart, you're smartasses

Haha I was one of those guys that PMed you. Probably the only at that. The PM was sarcasm.
No, I've never taken you seriously. If I gave you advice then it was terrible advice. I'd never help any of your players, even though they need it.
Originally posted by Packers27
No, I've never taken you seriously. If I gave you advice then it was terrible advice. I'd never help any of your players, even though they need it.

They need it? If they do I will ask someone that has an idea what they are talking about. And you actually did never PM back. I had to cry myself to sleep that night.

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