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Busta Cap
Can anyone one tell me why there are so many CPU teams in this league? I'm new and still learning about this stuff.
There are so many CPU teams because its a copper league, essentially.

What happens is gold and silver leagues get filled with human players who's teams qualify to be in those leagues.

Copper league then gets populated with all the human teams that don't qualify for being in silver (which essentially means you just bought the team and this is your first season)

Lastly, all the extra slots in copper for whom there are no human teams get filled with CPU teams. There are 16 copper leagues, and every league has to have exactly 32 teams, so there is room for 512 copper teams, but not nearly enough new human owners to hit that number, so the excess is filed with CPU's.

In addition, once the season starts, some owners decide they don't want to be peewee owners after all (usually they failed at recruiting and have empty teams so see no point). They go and "sell the team back", getting about 25% of the flex points they spent buying it returned. When they do that, the team goes CPU.

This is why some conferences have more CPU teams than others (and also why you will find a few CPU's even in some silver leagues)... at the start of the season it was pretty evenly distributed, but as some owners sold back their teams, the confs they were in started to be more CPU-heavy. This is why there are 10 CPU teams in our western conference, but only 7 in the east. I believe both started with 6 CPU filler teams initially, and then east had 1 sell back while west had 4, leaving us with our current totals of 7 and 10.

Make sense?
Edited by Redwin on Aug 21, 2009 14:02:39
Edited by Redwin on Aug 21, 2009 13:56:28
Busta Cap
Thank you.

Helped out a ton. I can make sense of it now.

Seems like a waste of points to start a team then dump it. Esp if they are only getting 25% back.
Edited by Busta Cap on Aug 21, 2009 19:23:04

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