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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > The Super Bowl: Indy vs. Bloomington, IL
Good luck to both teams.

Win or lose, it really doesn't matter in the big picture. To us the championship game was Sunday and a win here would be icing. We both get to move up.

We were newbies. Most of us are friends who like fantasy sports who tried this game out after one of us found the site. We literally created right before they issued new teams and luckily got one. We had no clue what we were doing. We are still trying to get our builds perfect, but figuring things out through the year and everyone being team players--whether starting or not--really helped us. Hopefully we can become true "Gurus" in this game afterall at some point.

So best of luck to both teams. Hopefully we can get the ball to bounce our way a few more times. Bloomington gets the home sales, has the home field advantage, has the chemistry, has the deeper talent pool, has the higher level players, has been around longer and has the better record. Yeah I'd say they are the favorite. But we are just happy to be here.

Thanks to the competition and sportsmanship from the other teams and players and perhaps we will play some of you again in future seasons.
Last edited Jun 3, 2008 19:00:14
Great post refguru. You guys are a class act all the way. It's great that two Midwestern teams made it this far. Half our town is down at the Lucca Bar & Grill right now in downtown Bloomington, celebrating the team getting THIS far.

We are a small town, so this is a huge event for us. Even the local farmers will be listening to the game instead of planting in the fields (it's on WJBC radio tomorrow...pre-game starts at noon). TV reception is pretty poor here (no cable TV here yet and most couldn't afford it if it WAS here).

Good luck to you guys & I hope it's a great game where BOTH teams can hold their heads high after the game.

- Coach Dave
(owner of the Bloomington Rhinos)

Well from what you easties have been saying about you guys being so great and all, you guys should be favorites just for being in the Eastern Conference
Actually, when you look at the teams Indy has beaten this season, you realize they are a power-team that can beat ANYONE. I don't think there is a favorite today. These are both classy teams, and solid teams. Indy is VERY well organized, managed and coached.

No matter what happens in today's game, I will have a deep respect for Indy. Good luck Indy - but not TOO much good luck today :-)

- Coach Dave
(owner/coach of the Bloomington Rhinos)
We're both advance far enough to this game so we're both pretty evenly matched. It will be one for the ages! Good luck and I'm sure we'll see a lot of each other next season!
Originally posted by justanotherbearsfan99
Actually, when you look at the teams Indy has beaten this season, you realize they are a power-team that can beat ANYONE. I don't think there is a favorite today. These are both classy teams, and solid teams. Indy is VERY well organized, managed and coached.

No matter what happens in today's game, I will have a deep respect for Indy. Good luck Indy - but not TOO much good luck today :-)

- Coach Dave
(owner/coach of the Bloomington Rhinos)

Well thank you Coach Dave, I'll pass the word on to Coach JT, and on behalf of the staff I wish you the best of luck next year. As for this game, I hope no luck is bestowed on you. We really want to win I hope you do play a great game though. Look forward to meeting you next year in the Championship game as well!
We want to win it as well, not long left :-)
Rosters Locked, utensils down, hands up!

Good luck fellows!
Last edited Jun 4, 2008 13:30:45
good game Bloomington
to quote Freddie Mercury:

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of USA A #8 -
Looks like the East Rules!
Heck of a game Bloomington. I really didn't think we stood a chance in this game, but our coaches came up with a hell of a game plan. You guys have been classy all week so I won't sing like Roman did. It'll also spare my team of hearing me sing. You all can come back to Indy with us and drink at the Sanchez. It's on JTSerb's tab tonight!
Originally posted by callmegoose
Looks like the East Rules!

Naw, can't drink on JTSerb's tab tonite, It's his birthday and the team just gave him a he*k of a present.

The LBs will put everything on their tab tonite.
And then hit JT up for bonuses to pay for it

What a great exciting game that was.
Just as close as I thought it would be.
Dang, that TE is fast.
Smash needs to add speed.

Smash Mouth Jones
GG Indy, you guys knocked us over at the final Hurdle well done, congratulations on your super bowl. We're gonna come for you next year though
Last edited Jun 4, 2008 14:39:31

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