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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Another fast C replay..

Ignore the fact he fumbled the ball... Now you guys can stop saying 35 speed is enough on a C.

And no, that wasn't a spin (that shows up in a replay), missed tackle (that also shows up in a replay) or juke (opponent dot would shrink). Not sure what headfake looks like, though... I think my C hit him!!
Edited by Octowned on Aug 19, 2009 22:43:25
Edited by Octowned on Aug 19, 2009 22:42:14
good one

blocked three defenders on the path
Originally posted by Octowned
Now you guys can stop saying 35 speed is enough on a C.

Please cite.

The only discussion I recall on speed for Centers was you claiming that 60 speed is a MUST-HAVE for Cs and me saying that it isn't.
60 speed there was worth 8 yards. Stuff like that happens every single game. You don't NEED it, but if you want to actually MAKE plays, 60 speed is a must-have, yes. If you want to sit around like an oaf and not give up plays, then don't do it. I'm going to take it to 65 or so, maybe all the way to 69
I believe as Octowned does that 60 in speed is the magic number to couple with the strength, blocking, agility, and vision that most centers are already after. This speed allows for all kinds of plays to be made.
It was worth eight yards only if you think he reached the SS to block on time. Your C was behind the RB when he got past that SS so, unless your C has Inspector Gadget arms, it was probably a Head Fake from the back and you just got him afterward. Of course, the dots are not always a perfect representation on the player's position on the field. It's possible he did get the block but it doesn't really look like it... (Head Fake, FYI, just causes an abrupt shift or stutterstep in the defender's position, away from a would-be tackle. They don't shrink and it doesn't show up on the play summary like broken/missed tackles. It was easier to notice before Bort toned it down but that movement by the SS looks like something Head Fake could cause.)

Frankly, none of the replays shown in "these" topics have really convinced me that Speed has a major impact at the C position, though this replay does look good even if he didn't quite make the play (since, judging by the position of the C behind the RB, that was more likely a Head Fake). But how often and at what cost? 36-37 SP to go from 35->60 Speed? That's a full 10 in Get Low (30 SP) with SP to spare, among other things. I'm not convinced it's worthwhile enough to make that investment unless the C is also a frequent ST player.

Originally posted by god056
blocked three defenders on the path

I don't think he blocked the DT either, or helped only for a brief moment at best. That happens pretty frequently on inside runs. The C goes to double team a DT, notices the G doesn't need help blocking and goes to block the MLB instead -or- the C goes to block the MLB but then turns to block one of the DTs if a G gets reverse-pancakes off the snap. :/ And there were no outside LBs to complicate the blocking assignments since that was a Dime formation.
Since going to 60 speed, every single game my C wows me. I don't need to drag up replays from every single game to prove it.

Plus, what else are you going to do? Really, a C can do whatever he wants. What else would you have done here if not 60 speed? Notice I still have another SEVENTEEN LEVELS of SP to get.

(FWIW I would have taken str/blk to 77/73 to start the build instead of 68/68, but this is an older build, etc)

Center O' Octo (Lv. 50 C)
Ht/Wt: 6'1", 309lbs

Physical Attributes
Strength: 123.33
Speed: 62
Agility: 69.13
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 42.13
Vision: 63.13
Confidence: 50.13

Football Skills
Blocking: 91.53
Catching: 8
Tackling: 17.13
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Pass Blocking Abilities
Pass Block: 1
Strong Arm: 1
Shock Block: 1
Foundation: 2
Line General: 8

Run Blocking Abilities
Run Block: 2
Get Low: 7
Hands: 0
Cut Block: 0
Pancake: 0

Veteran Abilities
Great Blocker: 15
Natural Leader: 10
Needs more SAs. Badly.
Octo, I see you're not a fan of confidence?
What I saw on that replay was he blocked his assignment, judged that he can leave it to the G, then blocked the mlb for awhile (which I think was enough for the back to get through).

The block on the safety is debatable though, as you have pointed out. Still, the C was able to prevent the safety from catching up.

Still a beautiful job done by the C, regardless of the original point of the thread lol
What SAs? I certainly don't need any pass blocking SAs, as I have zero issues in the pass blocking area. Of the run blocking SAs, eventually I'll get run block/hands up to 6, but cut block and pancake neither SA I like.

I'll take confidence to 60 eventually, but I'm not a huge fan of it, no. If the defender breaks your block, you lose morale. Not many people break my C's blocks. Also, sacks hurt the entire o-lines morale, there is no way of tracking WHO gave up the sack (this is from Bort). Anyway in either case, I'm not having issues with morale especially considering line general.
Originally posted by Octowned

Ignore the fact he fumbled the ball... Now you guys can stop saying 35 speed is enough on a C.

And no, that wasn't a spin (that shows up in a replay), missed tackle (that also shows up in a replay) or juke (opponent dot would shrink). Not sure what headfake looks like, though... I think my C hit him!!

I think it's a block on the SS. Those type of plays happen to often for them to be head fakes. When closer to the line of scrimmage you always see defenders that look like they are in a position to make a tackle yet the RB goes right through them. They are being blocked by o-linemen/fullback that "appear" to be behind the RB.

These type of plays are the reason I will probably try two pieces of first step AE for my RG. On that particular play for the C it's likely it would have fired twice with the potential of firing 3 times if he slowed up enough to help with the DT.
Edited by CincyFan on Aug 21, 2009 09:43:09

See, speed helps there, too LOL

Clearly our HB has fumble issues, both links I post are fumbles... damnit
You know what else helps there? Those automatic gains in Tackling olololol !! And why did he teleport to the LoS for one frame on that play?

What else would I do with those SP? I suppose I'm investing in my SAs of choice sooner. As you said, invest higher in STR or BLK at the beginning of a new player's career. Take AGI up another notch... First-cap Stamina?
Would u recommend getting speed to 60 for a ROT as well? Regarding of course that hes got agility/strength/blocking to appropriate levels first? It's just i've seen plenty of plays like screens and crap where if my tackle was a little faster he could have made a nice block.

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