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Forum > Free for All > Yeah I Said It. It Needed To Be Said.
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Hello gentle snowflake. If you're reading this, you've wandered into FFA. This is not the place for you. This place is not kind to snowflakes. We will make jokes at your expense. If you are a 30 year old Asian who suffers from Gary Coleman's Disease, we will make fun of you. If you are a racist Muslim extremist, we will make fun of you. If the character in Duck Tales you can relate to the most is Dewey, we will most definetly make fun of you.

If you cannot take this I understand. WE understand. Just GTFO. This is not the place for you. Perhaps you might enjoy GD. You can even wander into the Sports subforum and talk about your second rate baseball team. We don't mind. But don't come to FFA and get upset when we call you out. And we will. Oh we will. So, don't go complaining to a mod because you are precious and wandered into the dog pen. Coming to FFA is like playing "Just the Tip" with your boyfriend. You may only want a little, but you're going to get the whole thing. We both know it. And the mods understand here. They have the whole, "Nah, go ahead and let 'em stick that penny in the light socket. That'll learn 'em good," mentality down.

If you feel this OP relates to someone who could use it, feel free to PM them a link. Let's cut down on precious snowflakes and sensitive feelings.
Originally posted by JohnnyDollar
Hello gentle snowflake. If you're reading this, you've wandered into FFA. This is not the place for you. This place is not kind to snowflakes. We will make jokes at your expense. If you are a 30 year old Asian who suffers from Gary Coleman's Disease, we will make fun of you. If you are a racist Muslim extremist, we will make fun of you. If the character in Duck Tales you can relate to the most is Dewey, we will most definetly make fun of you.

If you cannot take this I understand. WE understand. Just GTFO. This is not the place for you. Perhaps you might enjoy GD. You can even wander into the Sports subforum and talk about your second rate baseball team. We don't mind. But don't come to FFA and get upset when we call you out. And we will. Oh we will. So, don't go complaining to a mod because you are precious and wandered into the dog pen. Coming to FFA is like playing "Just the Tip" with your boyfriend. You may only want a little, but you're going to get the whole thing. We both know it. And the mods understand here. They have the whole, "Nah, go ahead and let 'em stick that penny in the light socket. That'll learn 'em good," mentality down.

If you feel this OP relates to someone who could use it, feel free to PM them a link. Let's cut down on precious snowflakes and sensitive feelings.

Hello gentle snowflake. If you're reading this, you've wandered into FFA. This is not the place for you. This place is not kind to snowflakes. We will make jokes at your expense. If you are a 30 year old Asian who suffers from Gary Coleman's Disease, we will make fun of you. If you are a racist Muslim extremist, we will make fun of you. If the character in Duck Tales you can relate to the most is Dewey, we will most definetly make fun of you.

If you cannot take this I understand. WE understand. Just GTFO. This is not the place for you. Perhaps you might enjoy GD. You can even wander into the Sports subforum and talk about your second rate baseball team. We don't mind. But don't come to FFA and get upset when we call you out. And we will. Oh we will. So, don't go complaining to a mod because you are precious and wandered into the dog pen. Coming to FFA is like playing "Just the Tip" with your boyfriend. You may only want a little, but you're going to get the whole thing. We both know it. And the mods understand here. They have the whole, "Nah, go ahead and let 'em stick that penny in the light socket. That'll learn 'em good," mentality down.

If you feel this OP relates to someone who could use it, feel free to PM them a link. Let's cut down on precious snowflakes and sensitive feelings.

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This is a sticky if there ever was one.
ya gtfo snowflakes
p.s. first page
Fat Colin
Originally posted by iain35
ya gtfo snowflakes

You are Canadian and there is snow there, coincidence?
quality thread, would read agarn
Originally posted by FatM
Originally posted by iain35

ya gtfo snowflakes

You are Canadian and there is snow there, coincidence?

in the winter.
DDJSoDope :3
Originally posted by JohnnyDollar
This is a sticky if there ever was one.

You are not a special or unique snowflake. You are made of the same decaying matter as everything else. You have to give up.
Fat Colin
krotchyfoop imo
Fat Colin
Originally posted by dmfa41

He shows!

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