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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Would Workout Warrior be worth it for a high strength Center?
Assuming a Center with near 100 natural strength. Would this VA be worth using, or better to stick with like Line General, Pass Blocker, Great Blocker, whatever?
You could consider it over pass blocker / great blocker on a run-heavy team. It would amount to +4.5 strength.
Edited by Octowned on Aug 10, 2009 15:38:05
No, it wouldn't be worth using. The 0.3% stat VAs are utterly worthless.
Originally posted by Zurai
No, it wouldn't be worth using. The 0.3% stat VAs are utterly worthless.

Since you wont face NTs with 130+ str i think its useless.
Originally posted by marcaodl
Since you wont face NTs with 130+ str i think its useless.Cool Thing...

Says who?
I think its a great SA for center, why wouldn't you want as much str as possible to help with pancakes?
+4.5 Str for every play is pretty nice.

Theres only so many decent VAs for a center as it is
Edited by EagleOtto on Aug 14, 2009 01:14:38
+4.5 strength if you have 100 natural strength, which is frankly a waste. It's also a waste of 15 VP. Even Goal Line Blocker is better than Workout Warrior.

Center VAs that are better than Workout Warrior:
Motivational Speaker (to 2 only, for when the defense is on the field, as part of a whole-team approach)
Natural Leader (duh)
Second Wind (with decent stamina and second wind, you only need one center on the team)
Red Zone Freak
Showboat Blocker (if you're getting the pancakes)
Heart of a Champion (if you consistently make the playoffs)
Hometown Hero (+15 confidence and +15% stamina in half my games? Yes please. Even better if you get home games in the playoffs -- combine with Heart of a Champion for absurd Confidence)
Great Blocker (spend the 15 that you would have spent in WW here instead and balance your Str/Blk appropriately and you'll actually see a bigger increase to strength than with WW)
Goal Line Blocker (good bonuses, but very limited playtime -- will still probably come up in at least one set of downs per game, so better than Overtime Killer, etc)

Probably some others, too. Those are just off the top of my head. There's never any reason to waste points in a 0.3% stat VA except maybe for K/P.
Each point of str at 100 natural = what 3-4 levels?
Are you kidding me? There are other VAs that would go infront of it, but as a 3rd VA definately worth it.

My friend's lvl 52 DT has 125str.
Edited by Igor2 on Aug 20, 2009 04:14:15
Originally posted by Igor2
Each point of str at 100 natural = what 3-4 levels?
Are you kidding me? There are other VAs that would go infront of it, but as a 3rd VA definately worth it.

My friend's lvl 52 DT has 125str.

First, GETTING to 100 natural strength is a massive, massive waste of SP and/or training. Even with if you started with 30 strength and took strength to 81 (6th cap) ASAP, you'd still not get 100 natural strength until level 57 near the end of your 9th season.

Second, given that 100 natural strength is something you won't see until near the end of your career, there are about 5 or 6 VAs that are ahead of Workout Warrior.

Finally, assuming you went ahead and wasted all those SP on getting strength to natural 100, there are other VAs you need more than the strength anyway because you've wasted all those SP.
Originally posted by Zurai
First, GETTING to 100 natural strength is a massive, massive waste of SP and/or training. Even with if you started with 30 strength and took strength to 81 (6th cap) ASAP, you'd still not get 100 natural strength until level 57 near the end of your 9th season.

Second, given that 100 natural strength is something you won't see until near the end of your career, there are about 5 or 6 VAs that are ahead of Workout Warrior.

Finally, assuming you went ahead and wasted all those SP on getting strength to natural 100, there are other VAs you need more than the strength anyway because you've wasted all those SP.

I disagree strongly.

I don't see Strength as a waste of SP.

I started off my center by getting Str to 77. He's at 95 nat now.

Blocking is at 84 nat.

Agility at 70+ nat.

Speed at 49 nat (possibly going up to 60).

Stamina at 40+ nat.

And i'm training Vision + Confidence.

So what am I missing? What have I sacrificed in order to get 100 nat Str?

I really have nothing left to put points into except Speed and SAs right now and I'm only level 38.

So in this massive, massive waste of SP, what area have I neglected?
Vision. Confidence. SAs. You're also well short of 100 natural strength, SP/time wise. It'll take you another ~15 levels to get to 100 strength purely on auto-gains.

And, again, you'll get a whopping 4.5 Strength out of the 15 VP. Completely not worth it. As I mentioned before, you actually get a better gain by going with Great Blocker and shifting your blocking gear to strength.
Originally posted by Zurai
Vision. Confidence. SAs. You're also well short of 100 natural strength, SP/time wise. It'll take you another ~15 levels to get to 100 strength purely on auto-gains.

And, again, you'll get a whopping 4.5 Strength out of the 15 VP. Completely not worth it. As I mentioned before, you actually get a better gain by going with Great Blocker and shifting your blocking gear to strength.

Actually, I'm not missing out on Vision or Confidence. I'm training them. While you are training Vision and Confidence at 49+ I am training them both at 17 and SAVING sp.

And it will take me more like 11-12 levels to get to 100 nat strength, not 15. but who cares? Is there really that big of the difference between the 4.5 str bonus I receive at 100 nat strength and the 4.41 bonus I receive at 98 nat strength?

I'm not even saying that the 4.5 str bonus is worth it, I'm just saying that 100 nat strength isn't a massive waste of SP as you purport it to be. I actually think ALL centers should have 100 natural strength or close to it.
Any great C will hit 100 natural strength, yup. And still have time for everything else that matters.
Define "great C".

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