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Thinking I'll put some into Vision immediately, next 5 probably. Then over the next few level ups I'll get Vision, Tackling and Strength up to 40. Train on Jumping, Catching and Confidence.

When I boost at the end of next season get Agility up to 60.

I'd like First Step, is it worth trying to roll for it?

Any other suggestions?
you should read about slow building and the level caps at the wiki.

My suggestion is to train vision and put all SPs into agility until it's >60.5. Then I'd take strength over the soft cap (48), t hen tackling, then vision. I don't think first step is that great for LBs, especially MLBs.
you need to get your speed a lot higher...probably 80 or 90 by the end if you are a MLB. i would say focus on one or two stats until you cap them as well to maximize leveling advantages and prevent your points from being wasted. check mine out if you are confused by what im saying

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