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I was reading the various forums, and came upon a post where someone was complaining about a game that went very much the way the Rain/Super Bears game did.

This individual was unhappy, and said a few things that probably should not have been said.

I failed to recognize that he was discussing a SIMILAR game, and not our game, and I made some comments on the Rain private forum about your behavior.

Thing is, it was NOT your behavior.

When I figured out what had happened, I deleted my post and replaced it with text explaining my error. I've still had to reply two or three more times trying to stop the continuation of negative comments against you based on my error.

I figured I needed to say something publicly for a couple of reasons.

1) Should anybody on the Rain fail to understand that you did NOT behave poorly, and try to spread the negative attitude, I want to have public record that there is no truth to the comments.

2) You deserve an apology for my error.

This single post MIGHT accomplish both tasks. I hope it suffices.

If you have any questions or concerns, well, you know how to reach me now.
r u on crack? gimme some of what youre smoking plz
Originally posted by HustonJ
I was reading the various forums, and came upon a post where someone was complaining about a game that went very much the way the Rain/Super Bears game did.

This individual was unhappy, and said a few things that probably should not have been said.

I failed to recognize that he was discussing a SIMILAR game, and not our game, and I made some comments on the Rain private forum about your behavior.

Thing is, it was NOT your behavior.

When I figured out what had happened, I deleted my post and replaced it with text explaining my error. I've still had to reply two or three more times trying to stop the continuation of negative comments against you based on my error.

I figured I needed to say something publicly for a couple of reasons.

1) Should anybody on the Rain fail to understand that you did NOT behave poorly, and try to spread the negative attitude, I want to have public record that there is no truth to the comments.

2) You deserve an apology for my error.

This single post MIGHT accomplish both tasks. I hope it suffices.

If you have any questions or concerns, well, you know how to reach me now.

No harm done. Good luck in the ZCCG HustonJ

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