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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Keep one of these three OT's
- Max Weight
- Max Height
-Good STR
- Rest of the stats are sub-optimal.

- High Weight
- Max Height
- 8's where they can be
- Good STR, BLK and VIS

- High Weight
- Good Height
- 8's where they can be
- Good STR

With all of that laid out, which would you keep? Which side is he designed for? Did I go to all of this trouble for minimal gain?

Thanks for any insight. I've never built and OT, just C/G and this is the first time I've had the freedom to pick the details.

either the 2nd or 3rd one they are so close . If i had to choose I would choose the 3rd one .
tough call. I'm sure oct or rage can do a better analysis on why it's better to keep which. It's a question of what's more efficient, 1 agility, or 3 vision. I guess you'd have to take the 3rd, even though I'd rather have higher vision than confidence (imo confidence is overrated, I always cap it late). All because of one point in agility. That's one less SP or 3 less trains to get it to the final goal.
Hrm no love for the big guy, huh? Yeah its tough with the high vision guy. I'm really not sure which way to go, but I'm pretty sure either 2 or 3 is safe.
i like 3...
all too big for LOT imo
Originally posted by manx
all too big for LOT imo

Hrm, you know nobody's discussed where my build will line up, so if it seems I'm a better right side guy w/ the power, then that can probably be negotiated.

Would you go min weight for LOT? Does height play any factor for OL? I just made mine ginormous because I am a fan of Ogden.
Originally posted by warax
Originally posted by manx

all too big for LOT imo

Hrm, you know nobody's discussed where my build will line up, so if it seems I'm a better right side guy w/ the power, then that can probably be negotiated.

Would you go min weight for LOT? Does height play any factor for OL? I just made mine ginormous because I am a fan of Ogden.

I have no facts to back it, but it just seems that lighter would = faster in Bort's formulas, and agility is king at LOT. Only proof I have is my LOT that has yet to give up a sack (but this could be 1 of many factors)
Yes, they have definitely mentioned weight being linked to acceleration, so I see where you're going with that. Thing is, I don't really get the speed stat at OL anyway. This is just a how shit works observation, not game mechanics, but you can be quick on your feet and be able to block, but still have no top speed. For the purposes of the sim, though, maybe fat tackles don't make sense unless you're running the ball.
Originally posted by warax
Yes, they have definitely mentioned weight being linked to acceleration, so I see where you're going with that. Thing is, I don't really get the speed stat at OL anyway. This is just a how shit works observation, not game mechanics, but you can be quick on your feet and be able to block, but still have no top speed. For the purposes of the sim, though, maybe fat tackles don't make sense unless you're running the ball.

it would also depend on how big the RDE's are
James Brawn
There is something in Borts coding that brings Weight into the Pass Blocking Equation (ie higher weight = better pass protection) but it is negligible as far as I am aware!

Height I don't think plays any difference in an O-linesman. I think it only does for WR's & TE's.
I guess where I'm at now is should I keep one of these guys or try again for a midget with min weight and potentially min height for better mobility? I guess I was trying to design a perfect player without knowing enough about the mechanics. I just wish I'd put this level of effort into any skill position players I have.
James Brawn
At the end of the day the effect size & weight has on the players performance is minimal! Its 99% attributes, 1% everything else!

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