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Kojak Dave

Cro Bar

Speed: 64.19 (78.19)

Agility: 58.52


Strength: 50.5

Vision: 53.5

Stamina: 36.5

Jumping: 36.19

Confidence: 39.5

Catching: 33.19

Blocking: 17.19

Throwing: 8

Carrying: 8

Kicking: 8

Punting: 8

Snarl: 1

Aura of INT: 1

Diving Tackle: 2

Monster Hit: 1

Defense General: 0

Trash Talk: 0

The Glare: 0

Shed Block: 0

Swat Ball: 0

Big Sack: 0

Sure Tackler: 2

Jackhammer: 3

Power Tackler: 10

Long Reach: 2

My equip is 3 pieces of +4 speed, and one piece +2 speed, +9% FF

playing on hard...Balanced tackling.... -33 coverage(2.01 yards).... medium coverage... power pass rush...

and what should i train on?
train either tackling/strength or jumping/stamina.
Kojak Dave
but the LB looks good otherwise?
meh, seems like he should have at least 2 third capped attributes by this point..
Kojak Dave
Originally posted by Darren McFadden
meh, seems like he should have at least 2 third capped attributes by this point..

oh well. ya know, you're a beast Darren. every single LB topic i've created here and in the private forum, i think you've posted in every one.
Originally posted by Kojak Dave
Originally posted by Darren McFadden

meh, seems like he should have at least 2 third capped attributes by this point..

oh well. ya know, you're a beast Darren. every single LB topic i've created here and in the private forum, i think you've posted in every one.

boring week at work

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