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Rage Kinard

edit: 4 AEQ upgrades short
Edited by Rage Kinard on Jul 15, 2009 01:40:50
bars look nice but build is not open to see the rest
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by zamtik
bars look nice but build is not open to see the rest

thanks. Must have tried opening during training.
That looks like the best roll ever all 7's very nice. Cant say I am any kind of expert at LOT's playing at your level the highest I have is level 40, but Tiny looks very good.I looked at a little footage and he holds that left side down very well .I guess the only thing I could think of is to get protect up to 10 .

Do you feel that having that high a speed has helped you out a great deal ? I have a decision to make on my LOT and its whether to take vision or speed from the first to the 2nd cap and up and I am on the fence on which one to do first I am afraid if I raise speed before vision he might start pathing a little weird .
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by zamtik
That looks like the best roll ever all 7's very nice. Cant say I am any kind of expert at LOT's playing at your level the highest I have is level 40, but Tiny looks very good.I looked at a little footage and he holds that left side down very well .I guess the only thing I could think of is to get protect up to 10 .

Do you feel that having that high a speed has helped you out a great deal ? I have a decision to make on my LOT and its whether to take vision or speed from the first to the 2nd cap and up and I am on the fence on which one to do first I am afraid if I raise speed before vision he might start pathing a little weird .

I took speed up first, and didn't see ill effects, but it may have been competition. The consensus is to take vision up first, then speed. Either way, I think you want to second cap both, then 3rd cap both.

BTW - those 7s made up for a lot of mistakes while building him
Originally posted by zamtik
That looks like the best roll ever all 7's very nice. Cant say I am any kind of expert at LOT's playing at your level the highest I have is level 40, but Tiny looks very good.I looked at a little footage and he holds that left side down very well .I guess the only thing I could think of is to get protect up to 10 .

Do you feel that having that high a speed has helped you out a great deal ? I have a decision to make on my LOT and its whether to take vision or speed from the first to the 2nd cap and up and I am on the fence on which one to do first I am afraid if I raise speed before vision he might start pathing a little weird .

The only problem with raising speed before vision is that it is bad building. Speed gets nothing from leveling, so it should be the last ability raised before SA's providing you are trying to maximize to the best long term build possible. It is important, however, so doing it earlier is common, just do it after your other 3 main attributes are up. (I am actually doing it before vision, gg)

also, to the OP. Have you considered shifting your strength equip into agility?
Edited by manx on Jul 16, 2009 07:29:50
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by manx

also, to the OP. Have you considered shifting your strength equip into agility?

I had it in agility at one point. I moved it over to strength in season 8. Don't really have cash to move it again, but seems to be doing fine with current agility.

Originally posted by manx
Originally posted by zamtik

That looks like the best roll ever all 7's very nice. Cant say I am any kind of expert at LOT's playing at your level the highest I have is level 40, but Tiny looks very good.I looked at a little footage and he holds that left side down very well .I guess the only thing I could think of is to get protect up to 10 .

Do you feel that having that high a speed has helped you out a great deal ? I have a decision to make on my LOT and its whether to take vision or speed from the first to the 2nd cap and up and I am on the fence on which one to do first I am afraid if I raise speed before vision he might start pathing a little weird .

The only problem with raising speed before vision is that it is bad building. Speed gets nothing from leveling, so it should be the last ability raised before SA's providing you are trying to maximize to the best long term build possible. It is important, however, so doing it earlier is common, just do it after your other 3 main attributes are up. (I am actually doing it before vision, gg)

also, to the OP. Have you considered shifting your strength equip into agility?

Definitely agree there it was almost last on my attributes to get to first cap just before confidence and I had to be cajoled by my OC to get that much at the time it just made me cringe to add points into something that does not get any leveling bonuses but I understand it needs to be done at some point . Just how much and when is the key .
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by zamtik

That looks like the best roll ever all 7's very nice. Cant say I am any kind of expert at LOT's playing at your level the highest I have is level 40, but Tiny looks very good.I looked at a little footage and he holds that left side down very well .I guess the only thing I could think of is to get protect up to 10 .

Do you feel that having that high a speed has helped you out a great deal ? I have a decision to make on my LOT and its whether to take vision or speed from the first to the 2nd cap and up and I am on the fence on which one to do first I am afraid if I raise speed before vision he might start pathing a little weird .

I took speed up first, and didn't see ill effects, but it may have been competition. The consensus is to take vision up first, then speed. Either way, I think you want to second cap both, then 3rd cap both.

BTW - those 7s made up for a lot of mistakes while building him

Appreciate the advice as always thanks RK
Todd Toddy
very nice! reminds me of a "younger" version of my LT:

i'd also get "protector" up. it's a great skill and i noticed a difference when i brought it up.
To the build,

needs more strength and less blocking. Especially with Pass Blocker and Protector, a 95 blocking just isn't needed, imo.

great speed and agility! nice all around build excepting strength.

Originally posted by manx
The only problem with raising speed before vision is that it is bad building. Speed gets nothing from leveling, so it should be the last ability raised before SA's providing you are trying to maximize to the best long term build possible. It is important, however, so doing it earlier is common, just do it after your other 3 main attributes are up. (I am actually doing it before vision, gg)

also, to the OP. Have you considered shifting your strength equip into agility?

To me, speed is critical. It should absolutely be the fourth skill to work on after str, blk, agi. Even if you get no bonus, you need it to be functional. I guess if you have a farm team to guarantee playing time and are willing to suck for 45-50 levels you can wait, but I'm simply not that patient.
Originally posted by PackMan97
To the build,

needs more strength and less blocking. Especially with Pass Blocker and Protector, a 95 blocking just isn't needed, imo.

great speed and agility! nice all around build excepting strength.

I don't get this sentiment, I think it's safe to say that 95% of RDEs that you face as a LOT have <68 str, so why go higher? Might as well get closer to matching their 100+ agi, and work on blocking to counteract the random guy with high str

I guess experience. I see more production out of my utility OT (plays both L and R sides) with 80 blocking and 0 in protector. However, STR is key in pass blocking to hold your ground and push the other guy away.

A low STR pass blocker is going to get pushed back, and he's not going to be able to keep a guy back for that long.

A few examples for a competitive game where Tiny House is blocking a guy 13 levels his junior

I feel that most OT's feel that it's all about the blocking when it isn't. Strength is king for any line position. I also detest Protector with a passion. It's too expensive for it's benefits, imo.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by PackMan97
I guess experience. I see more production out of my utility OT (plays both L and R sides) with 80 blocking and 0 in protector. However, STR is key in pass blocking to hold your ground and push the other guy away.

A low STR pass blocker is going to get pushed back, and he's not going to be able to keep a guy back for that long.

A few examples for a competitive game where Tiny House is blocking a guy 13 levels his junior

I feel that most OT's feel that it's all about the blocking when it isn't. Strength is king for any line position. I also detest Protector with a passion. It's too expensive for it's benefits, imo. - He is pushed back, but still maintains block. - On this one he blocks DE, leaves him, blocks DT, then comes back to DE - Once again he constantly maintains block.

That doesn't mean much because DE was lower level. However, you could look at game against higher level DEs didn't get any hurries against him, but got hurries and/or sacks against the backup OT with over 100 strength and 80 blocking.

I could show you examples of an OT with

105 strength
75 blocking
75 agility
63 vision
50 speed

getting beat regularly by even level competition, but it's not my player and I can't show replays and give away the build.

Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by PackMan97

I guess experience. I see more production out of my utility OT (plays both L and R sides) with 80 blocking and 0 in protector. However, STR is key in pass blocking to hold your ground and push the other guy away.

A low STR pass blocker is going to get pushed back, and he's not going to be able to keep a guy back for that long.

A few examples for a competitive game where Tiny House is blocking a guy 13 levels his junior

I feel that most OT's feel that it's all about the blocking when it isn't. Strength is king for any line position. I also detest Protector with a passion. It's too expensive for it's benefits, imo. - He is pushed back, but still maintains block. - On this one he blocks DE, leaves him, blocks DT, then comes back to DE - Once again he constantly maintains block.

That doesn't mean much because DE was lower level. However, you could look at game against higher level DEs didn't get any hurries against him, but got hurries and/or sacks against the backup OT with over 100 strength and 80 blocking.

I could show you examples of an OT with

105 strength
75 blocking
75 agility
63 vision
50 speed

getting beat regularly by even level competition, but it's not my player and I can't show replays and give away the build.

I could give you a lower lvl example.

Take my LOT and the person he plays backup to - mine - starter

my LOT has 85 agi blocking and 68 str (full build in linked thread )
his LOT has 68 agi 100 blocking and 68 str

my LOT has given up 0 sacks in his lifetime to a DE, scrimmage and playoffs included (he has given up 2 sacks on LB blitzes iirc)
his LOT has given up like 10+ sacks over the course of his career to DE's (still amazingly good)

most recent example

edit more examples

This really isn't an argument against str, just more of an argument FOR agi. I could link the plays where our str based ROT's gave up sacks, but that's not really related.
Edited by manx on Jul 23, 2009 07:57:17
Edited by manx on Jul 22, 2009 10:02:07
Edited by manx on Jul 22, 2009 10:01:42
Edited by manx on Jul 22, 2009 09:56:47

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