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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > absorb pain or cut block for C
i went on a shopping spree and now have two pieces of each of these SAs.

which is better? and is it better to have one of each piece or two of the same?

i was trying for a line general piece, but since these were available and i had the money, i snapped them up.

thoughts anyone?
Line General is by far the most popular SA for a C. Foundation is a very popular SA for all O linemen. Get Low is really popular.

Absorb pain is not even in a Cs SA tree so I am not sure about this SA. It may be great in some games since I am not sure if line gen only helps the other O linemen. Cut block is popular but not as popular as the SAs listed above. I have a young C myself. Personally I am thinking I want Line Gen, Get low, and either foundation or run block.

If I were you I would probably keep cut block for now but look for more AE later after building up some shopping tokens. Personally I like to intense train during the regular season to save up BT then normal train in the offseason and shop for AE.
ive one point through CE in line general. ultimately i would like a piece or two in this.
but if i take the absorb pain, it should help with stronger NT and DT and keep me on the field longer stamina wise... cut block is on the C run tree and should help when overmatched. i am leaning towards taking the two cut blocks, but wondered what anyone's experience of absorb pain is?

i just looked back over the last few games. he finished the game with terrible morale. so i will go with the absorb pain pieces. i will see what happens after the next few games to see if it was worth it.
Absorve pain is just useless for C this SA would work better if bort made it a D SA.
i looked at 5 or 6 pages of this forum and it was mentioned three times. those that mentioned it said there were better pieces available... i agree, give me a line general all day long. but ive got these, so i may as well see what my morale is at the end of a game. if it isnt shot to pieces, then is isnt useless. with the lack of info on it, i thought i would experiment.

i have 3 absorb pain AEQs. I really dont see a difference I would much rather have LG. but good luck
it seemed to help morale in his last game. 52-21L

my C energy 61 morale 35
t 58 12
t 59 15
G 46 13
g 64 13

he would normally of been down there on morale with the rest of the line after being beat.
another game where i finished with much higher energy level off twice as many plays. his morale again was the highest. liking it so far. is it better than LG long term? who knows. will stick with it for now as it appears to do what it says on the tin.

get Line General and it helps your entire OLs stamina and moral

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