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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > great game Vermont
You guys have a hell of a team, but came up a bit short this go around. I fully expect to see you beating people down next season...

i will do a comical write up this evening in your honor. feel free to add whatever quotes you would like used in the press release...

GGs. You game-planned it perfectly.
we are still tinkering bro...
we are just experimenting this year...

out of all the teams, no offense to anyone else, you guys are the classiest out there. if we were not to win this game, we were rooting for you...
I'd like to echo these comments to the Samurai of Atlanta. Unfortunately I don't think any of us will see you next year as you have to preform seppuku (hari-kari, for the lay people here). If you are not that type of Samurai then I know you will be back and stronger next year.

Also a thank you to the Psychotic Smilies. For winning that game you get to come to the Guru Dome in beautiful Marion County. There, you will find a group of ravenous Gurupies who look to avenge our loss at The Sanitarium earlier this year.
Great game Indy. Good luck the rest of the way. You guys are some tough competition,
Great game to the Purples... Here's to you. Now, go and beat Chesapeake!!!
Originally posted by onepeat
we are still tinkering bro...
we are just experimenting this year...

out of all the teams, no offense to anyone else, you guys are the classiest out there. if we were not to win this game, we were rooting for you...

Awww im hurt i am rooting you guys on and you go and pull for someone else! Good luck in your next game!

Speaking of next games, yeah we have to come to your stadium kyle, but we had to go to Reamstown too. We are hell bent on getting back to chesapeake and paying them back for putting us in a rut at the start of the season, so you guys better pull up your socks and buckle those chin straps extra tight because we're on a mission! If NOLA cant get it done, i really really hope we get another shot at them.

Good luck to everyone left in their week 2 games!

Last edited May 29, 2008 16:36:26
Great game Nola....

And the Saints....Go Marching.....the Saints....Go Marching....

Man you guys put together one hell of a second half. Great game plan against us. The only bad thing about you all going all the way, is your team mving out of #8 next season....but we will be hot on your tails next season.

Good Luck,

Thanks to the VT guys for taking this all in stride. You guys are gonna be great next season. I hope we get out of this league this season, because I don't want another year with you guys...! Peace...
hey Onepeat, i'll be looking for your column on this game man. I gotta say your team is great team that will do great things man. I can tell you one thing, we are also still experimenting with the offense. I guess everyone here can tell that the Ice Storm has a weak passing game so we're still tinking with it and trying to find the right balance so that we can get our QB off on a good foot for passing next season.

Well i can tell you one thing I will personally be rooting for your team to go all the way this season. The way your team dominate is incredible and you guys have one hell of a team. Good luck guys and Yes the Ice storm will be back next season and will be dominating. We will hopefully by then worked out of offensive kinks and will hopefully have an even more dangerous offense.
I would also like to congratulate the Nola Purples. You guys are a class organization and you played a great game. Best of luck the rest of the way.
thanks guys. We have a hell of a group in this conference. The separation between the top 8 is marginal...

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