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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > WEEK 4 Power Rankings
Rnk ... Off ... Def ... SoS ... Team
1 ........ 9 ........ 9 ........ 0.438 ........ Tuvalu Tigersharks
2 ........ 5 ........ 11 ........ 0.500 ........ Redcliff Razamanaz
3 ........ 7 ........ 12 ........ 0.188 ........ Cardiac Kids MD
4 ........ 14 ........ 5 ........ 0.563 ........ Phoenix Eagles
5 ........ 4 ........ 19 ........ 0.125 ........ Coral Bay Maneaters
6 ........ 3 ........ 1 ........ 0.438 ........ Memphis Kings
7 ........ 13 ........ 3 ........ 0.438 ........ Gold Coast Megalodons
8 ........ 12 ........ 16 ........ 0.625 ........ Port Vila Mutiny
9 ........ 6 ........ 15 ........ 0.438 ........ Honiara Pit Bulls
10 ........ 21 ........ 7 ........ 0.313 ........ Dunedin Drones
11 ........ 16 ........ 8 ........ 0.563 ........ Lowcountry Gators
12 ........ 10 ........ 13 ........ 0.375 ........ Rekohu Raptors
13 ........ 1 ........ 2 ........ 0.125 ........ College Town NWA Feeble Minds
14 ........ 22 ........ 21 ........ 0.625 ........ Kiribati Boobie Bandits
15 ........ 18 ........ 17 ........ 0.375 ........ Dayton Gunslingers
16 ........ 8 ........ 6 ........ 0.375 ........ Gotham Crusaders
17 ........ 2 ........ 4 ........ 0.313 ........ Philadelphia Birds
18 ........ 29 ........ 28 ........ 0.813 ........ Tasmania Miners
19 ........ 24 ........ 24 ........ 0.438 ........ Fantasy-Football.DE Hellboyz
20 ........ 17 ........ 14 ........ 0.500 ........ Oberon Bulls
21 ........ 19 ........ 22 ........ 0.563 ........ Lancaster Hustlas
22 ........ 23 ........ 20 ........ 0.625 ........ Carcharodon Megalodon
23 ........ 15 ........ 18 ........ 0.625 ........ co. bluffs criminals
24 ........ 26 ........ 27 ........ 0.688 ........ Gainesville Gators
25 ........ 25 ........ 26 ........ 0.500 ........ Palermo Predators
26 ........ 11 ........ 10 ........ 0.563 ........ Cape Canaveral Constellation
27 ........ 31 ........ 30 ........ 0.563 ........ Red Deer HITMEN
28 ........ 28 ........ 29 ........ 0.750 ........ Coruscant Calamity
29 ........ 27 ........ 25 ........ 0.563 ........ MARYLAND SHOCKERS
30 ........ 30 ........ 31 ........ 0.500 ........ Fiji Flying Foxes
31 ........ 20 ........ 23 ........ 0.688 ........ West Texas Mad Cows
32 ........ 32 ........ 32 ........ 0.813 ........ Samoan Siva Tau

Sorry gaels i didn't see week 4 so i'll post it for you this week
Drones crack the top 10 not bad going
That's fine, but you must be using a different formula than I am. Since the season started I have only used regular season record as the only indicator. What were using? I'm just confused why Tuvalu would be at the top when we beat them the first game, while we're at #7.

Here's what I got:

Rnk ... Off ... Def ... SOR ... Team
1 ........ 1 ........ 6 ........ 0.500 ........ Redcliff Razamanaz
2 ........ 18 ........ 1 ........ 0.438 ........ Memphis Kings
3 ........ 3 ........ 2 ........ 0.563 ........ Phoenix Eagles
4 ........ 12 ........ 26 ........ 0.438 ........ Gold Coast Megalodons
5 ........ 7 ........ 20 ........ 0.563 ........ Lowcountry Gators
6 ........ 23 ........ 29 ........ 0.313 ........ Dunedin Drones
7 ........ 21 ........ 4 ........ 0.438 ........ Honiara Pit Bulls
8 ........ 2 ........ 11 ........ 0.375 ........ Gotham Crusaders
9 ........ 24 ........ 15 ........ 0.188 ........ Cardiac Kids MD
10 ........ 20 ........ 24 ........ 0.438 ........ Tuvalu Tigersharks
11 ........ 22 ........ 31 ........ 0.125 ........ Coral Bay Maneaters
12 ........ 26 ........ 5 ........ 0.313 ........ Philadelphia Birds
13 ........ 9 ........ 22 ........ 0.375 ........ Dayton Gunslingers
14 ........ 19 ........ 19 ........ 0.625 ........ Port Vila Mutiny
15 ........ 27 ........ 3 ........ 0.375 ........ Rekohu Raptors
16 ........ 6 ........ 13 ........ 0.438 ........ Fantasy-Football.DE Hellboyz
17 ........ 31 ........ 21 ........ 0.688 ........ Gainesville Gators
18 ........ 13 ........ 32 ........ 0.563 ........ Cape Canaveral Constellation
19 ........ 16 ........ 23 ........ 0.500 ........ Oberon Bulls
20 ........ 30 ........ 7 ........ 0.125 ........ College Town NWA Feeble Minds
21 ........ 17 ........ 8 ........ 0.625 ........ Kiribati Boobie Bandits
22 ........ 28 ........ 30 ........ 0.625 ........ Carcharodon Megalodon
23 ........ 14 ........ 16 ........ 0.563 ........ MARYLAND SHOCKERS
24 ........ 4 ........ 9 ........ 0.813 ........ Tasmania Miners
25 ........ 15 ........ 17 ........ 0.563 ........ Lancaster Hustlas
26 ........ 29 ........ 27 ........ 0.625 ........ co. bluffs criminals
27 ........ 5 ........ 10 ........ 0.688 ........ West Texas Mad Cows
28 ........ 8 ........ 14 ........ 0.750 ........ Coruscant Calamity
29 ........ 32 ........ 12 ........ 0.813 ........ Samoan Siva Tau
30 ........ 11 ........ 25 ........ 0.500 ........ Palermo Predators
30 ........ 25 ........ 28 ........ 0.563 ........ Red Deer HITMEN
30 ........ 10 ........ 18 ........ 0.500 ........ Fiji Flying Foxes
Edited by gaels on Jun 27, 2009 13:31:40
This are my settings

Which part(s) of the season do you want to include?

Note: Playoff games do not include post season scrimmages.
Regular Season

Do you want to consider pre-season, regular season, and playoff games to be equal?No (If no, then please specify how games should be weighted below)

Note: A larger number indicates more importance or weight.
Pre-Season =1
Regular Season =2
Playoffs =4

Do you want recently played games to weigh more than an older game?Yes (If yes, then please specify how games should be weighted below)

Make the past2 games worth times the 4oldest game.

Do you want to include team talent?Yes

Note: This is helpful early in the season.

Do you want to include the lifetime record of each team?Yes

Note: This is helpful early in the season.

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